Personal Lists featuring...

I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020


Psychological thriller
Thriller psicologico
Time Travel
Viajes en el tiempo
Unexpected endings
Finales Inesperados


A selection of films, famed for their decision to throw convention out of the window. This list pays homage to the great surrealist films from the history of cinema.


Latest releases with IMDB score 6.7+ and minimum votes 10000+


Brace yourself for mind-altering twists, mind-warping enigmas, and an unrelenting assault on your senses. It's an audacious celebration of dark, cerebral pleasure that will leave you exhilarated, mystified, and begging for more. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and let the mindfuckfest begin!


films that are elevated or sophisticated in their themes, style, and execution, often blurring the lines between traditional genre conventions and arthouse or experimental cinema. These movies are often considered to be a combination of commercial appeal and artistic merit, combining elements of popular genres such as crime, science fiction, or horror, with more serious and thought-provoking themes, innovative cinematography, and a focus on character development. High art genre movies are often more character-driven and less reliant on conventional plot structures, and they challenge the audience's expectations while providing a unique and engaging viewing experience.


Surrealist movies or movies with at least a few elements of surrealism. I tried to not be too broad, because a lot of movies nowadays incorpore a little bit of surrealism.


Essential movies for lonely people out there... if you want to feel something in this big big world.…


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README.TXT :page_facing_up:
This List contains Movies and Tv shows that I watched over 2020 in groups of 10.
Each group is separated with numbers and separating titles.

2020 Released TOP 10 Movies

1 Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2 1917
3 Wolfwalkers
4 Bad Education
5 Sound of Metal
6 The King of Staten Island
7 Swallow
8 Love and Monsters
9 Tenet
10 Soul

2020 Released Honorable Mentions

11 Kajillionaire
12 Mank
13 Black Bear
14 The Trial of the Chicago 7
15 I'm Thinking of Ending Things
16 Feels Good Man
17 Bill & Ted Face the Music
18 The Willoughbys
19 The Devil All the Time
20 The Vast of Night

Overall First time watch 2020 TOP 10 movies

21 Knives Out - 2019
22 Hereditary - 2018
23 Jojo Rabbit - 2019
24 Train to Busan - 2016
25 Climax - 2018
26 Sink or Swim - 2018
27 Ford v Ferrari - 2019
28 Dunkirk - 2017
29 Before Sunrise - 1995
30 Doctor Sleep - 2019

2020 Released TOP 10 TV Shows

31 Dark - Season 3
32 Euphoria - Season 1
33 Infinity Train - Season 3
34 The Queen's Gambit - Limited
35 The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
36 Solar Opposites - Season 1
37 The Mandalorian - Season 2
38 After Life - Season 2
39 Dave - Season 1
40 Upload - Season 1

The first time, Comeback or Ended TOP 10 TV Shows I watched in 2020 (This Title is a Mess :D)

41 11.22.63
42 Infinity Train
43 Barry
44 Mr. Robot
45 Watchmen
46 The Handmaid's Tale
47 The Man in the High Castle
48 You
49 Tuca & Bertie
50 It's Bruno!

Some Stats:
2020 Movies (#224)
2020 TV shows (#141)
2020 episodes watched (#1998)
Year In Review:

More at Recommendations:
All Lists:


Films lacking a big budget or a big studio release that were still enjoyed by many.


Excludes superhero/supervillain movies


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Diary of everything I saw while social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • 1–516 (March 17–June 22, 2020) we're under mandatory lockdown.
  • the last movie i saw in the theaters was The Hunt on sunday, march 15, 1st viewing and HATED it!

Twisted Plots- These films deliver unexpected revelations or reversals that redefine the entire story. They catch us off guard and force us to reevaluate everything we thought we knew.

Mindfucks- These films challenge our perception of reality, leaving us questioning what’s real and what’s imagined.


Complete movies of the great directors. Starting with Quentin Tarantino and the Coen brothers.


For one blissful month, it seemed like the defining moment of movie culture this year might be the most joyful one, too. Bong Joon Ho’s class warfare crowd-pleaser, Parasite, had beat the odds, shattered precedent, and overcome an American aversion to subtitles to win the Oscar for Best Picture. What a thing it was to experience live—a wonderful glitch in the simulation! Sadly, that night now feels miles away, a distant glimmer in the rearview mirror, a speck of light from the before times of ancient February. Just a few weeks after Parasite made history, James Bond made other plans: He would not be coming soon to a theater near anyone. In retrospect, this was the first sign that a whole industry—along with the rest of normal life as we knew it—would soon screech to a halt. 2020 would be a movie year like none before it.

That’s not hyperbole. For as long as Hollywood has been Hollywood, movies have made their way to theaters at a steady clip; you basically have to rewind to the days before the studio system to find a month on the calendar when nothing new was opening. 2020 gave us five months of that, an unprecedented drought. When theaters began reopening, tentatively and prematurely, back in August, blockbusters went bust; turns out most people weren’t willing to risk their lives just to see a new Christopher Nolan movie. The big pause on the big screen was felt in multiplexes and the arthouse alike, as superheroes flew to later dates and film festivals shrank and migrated online. Movie theaters haven’t disappeared yet, but they’re definitely in deep trouble. (AMC, one of the country’s leading chains, will reportedly go broke come January.)

It’s possible COVID has just accelerated a change that was already in progress. Streaming platforms have been angling to keep moviegoers on their couches for years now. In 2020, they won the fight by default, earning a (hopefully temporary) monopoly on a whole country’s viewing habits. If there were big hits after February, they were streaming fodder (like the Netflix quarantine time-waster Extraction) and movies originally slated for theaters (like My Spy and Mulan). Who knows how far off we were from instant, at-home access to the year’s splashiest titles, but that speculative future is suddenly a reality, as superhero sequels and Pixar adventures abandon their box office dreams to court streamers without subscriptions. Even the Academy has laid down arms: To keep their annual party alive, they’ll waive the usual requirement that a movie go big (screen) or go home; one year after Parasite broke the glass ceiling for foreign language fare, will Best Picture go to a Netflix original?

All of which it to say, it’s a scary and uncertain time for the movie industry, and for anyone invested in the survival of the theatrical experience. But as we noted a few months ago, when we rattled off some highlights at the half, a weird year for movies isn’t the same as a bad one. In fact, you could argue that the implosion of the release calendar—and a general absence of “bigger” projects sucking up all the oxygen in the room—has been a boon to the visibility of films otherwise in danger of being left out of the annual year-end conversation. These include a true bumper crop of exceptional movies by women, though they’d look rich, thoughtful, or daring no matter what year they came out.

Below, we proudly present the 25 best films of 2020, assembled from the ballots of a dozen A.V. Club contributors. In this year without blockbusters (and less middlebrow awards contenders), our critics cited documentaries, intimate independent dramas, adventurous visions from overseas, a bona fide avant-garde project, the kind of mid-budget Hollywood thriller the Oscars usually ignore, and the best installment of Steve McQueen’s Small Axe anthology, whose five individual entries were all deemed eligible, even as the complete series earned a spot on our TV list. (In this purgatorial age of watching only from home, why split hairs about classification—especially when talking about one of the most ambitious dramatic projects of the year, regardless of specific medium?) And if we’ve successfully piqued your interest in any of the films cited, the goods news is that most are available right now to stream or rent. That makes 2020 unprecedented in at least one welcome respect.


Movies that are equivalent to dream-pop, shoegaze music - They possess an ethereal emptiness…
