Shouts about...

I Want You Back 2022

it was cute, but with the cast quality i had higher expectations. worth a single watch.

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Cute but not nearly as good as it could've been with this cast. The two leads don't have believable romantic chemistry, and so the ending feels quite forced (this is not helped by the absolutely cringey dialogue in the final few scenes and the face-palmingly corny final scene). I think it would've been better for them to have ended as friends, and just wish there had been better writing. I guess that's what we get with an Amazon production. Still, as these things go, it was very watchable if not also very forgettable.

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This turned out to be kind of cute... But I feel jipped with that ending!

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Fairly predictable but with a good cast and witty script, this isn’t a film to turn your back on.

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Not bad. Not bad at all. A must watch.

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When making a romantic comedy, please try to insert comedy and romance into the film. Thank you for your future attempts, because this didn't cut the mustard.

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I don’t know if I buy them as a couple but the story isn’t really reliant on that. Feels like an algorithm put together this cast but you can tell it was cathartic for a lot of them.

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"Look at us! This is like Cruel Intentions, only sexier!"

Wow, this pleasantly surprised me. Charlie Day and Jenny Slate actually had me cracking up quite a bit and the ending is pretty cute. It usually takes a while for me to accept Charlie Day as a regular guy in a film because of It's Always Sunny, but he is so likable no matter what.

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Cast was incredible, plot was meh, and Pete Davidson was there?

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It follows the same basic formula of many romcoms, but the journey is a whole lot of fun and honestly seeing Charlie Day in this thing is so refreshing. He has amazing chemistry with everyone in this film and the majority of the comedy works pretty well.

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Nothing revealing, but you can watch it, despite the two hours you don't feel wasted time.

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You feel like it could be more with the talented cast, both of them are really good and know their comedy. Pretty cliché, nothing unexpected not surprises, a fair romcom with a predictable ending. It started better but then it went a bit downhill. Do not have any more expectations than a few laughs and a pleasant movie out of the stock.

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Pleasantly surprised.
For the first 30mins was meh, all good after that. So for a rom-com, it’s quite decent.
I’m not a fan of Charlie Day and Jenny Slate but they grew on me more and more throughout this movie.

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When the ex's dumped the main characters it was for good reasons, so it didn't really leave the movie anywhere to go.

It was no reason to watch them try to get people back they would only bring down. I turned it off instead.

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This movie is probably exactly what you thought it would be: a fairly familiar rom-com propped up a bit by the excellent chemistry between Slate and Day. I enjoyed it while it was on and forgot about it five minutes after I finished it. You can certainly do worse than this movie.

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