6.5 - Same adventure packed vibe as previous Indiana Jones movies but to me lacked in comparison to previous films. Also the ending seemed a bit abrupt.

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Good movie, entertaining from the first minute, the end perhaps a little hasty and I lacked a little funny indi

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The movie was fun but Indy should have hung his hat up after the third installment. Ford gave the movie his all but it's time to end the franchise before we get a sequel entitled Indiana Jones and the Lost Retirement Home Biscuits.

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The only thing I didn't like was the ending of the movie.

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Not the worst, far from the best.
Very unpredictable but always the off feeling through the film
Not a real antagonist, a caricature of one maybe.
Steel some emotions
Decent conclusion.

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I think this is a much better send-off for the Indiana Jones character than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but still not as good as previous movies. There seems to be a lot less action in this movie and more running and jumping, but it makes sense given the age of Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones in the movie. I think this is an entertaining enough movie, but still lacks the authenticity that the first few movies had.

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Shout by Malini Agarwala

I hate Helena, she is so annoying. I don’t know if it’s my nostalgia for Indiana Jones, but I felt like Helena and Teddy were spoilt, disrespectful little teenagers. Am I turning old?
I also felt that for some reason they kept reminding us that Indiana is old and getting outdated (eg the whip vs guns scene in Morocco, amongst others). As if the filmmakers themselves didn’t want to bring back the series again.

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Fun film and though I am aware it is difficult to write an action film for 80 year old stars, this does its best to hide that. Great action and fun, but felt it left a lot on the table. They established this giant of a monster dude henchman, and really did not let that pay off, for instance. Still, a good time.

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Enjoyed this more than I thought, but as watching it wondered who is this for ? Well me I guess but, besides men in their 40’s this serves no purpose. No kid could possibly enjoy watching and homage to an 80’s movie. Glad they made it for selfish reasons, but £300 million to not have Crystal Skull as the send off seems a bit much. No matter how respected Harrison Ford is in Hollywood.

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  • Ford brings his all and still rocks the fedora
  • Film overall is well acted
  • Some emotional moments I didn't see coming
  • It was interesting to see the 1960's world and how it has impacted the way Indy adventures.
  • First 20 minutes brings back some nostalgic magic

  • Wombat wasn't a disaster but the character didn't justify its existence in the film. Same can be said for Teddy.

  • The action, except the opening scene, is run of the mill and very disappointing

  • The ending feels rushed

  • The film runs for too long and the plot is messy in places

  • Can't help but feel there were many missed opportunities, especially plot and action set piece wise.


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Better than 4, the first scene very indiana jones, then good, except that there is no one who believes that a man of 80 years can do that, Mikelsen as good as ever, what a way to get rid of the son.

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After rewatching the first 4 movies, I am SO excited for this one!!
I loved Harrison Ford‘s recent performance in Shrinking, so I‘m sure he will be great as always.

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Plots of the movie:

  • Indie rescues his dentures from the cup of Dentine
  • Indie donates his whip due to advanced arthritis
  • Indie battles Alzheimers and forgets where his leather jacket ran off to
  • Indie gets turned down by Medicare for much needed hemorrhoid treatment
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Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Where is Shia la Bouf?

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This was a fun ride

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I turned this off after 40 minutes. I realized, the story is crap and I do not care what happens. None of the characters besides indiana were likable. The story is bland. They made this just to make money, it's not for the fans of the original 3. The guy who plays the villain is terrible.

Don't subject yourself to this!

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Wow, looking forward to this..

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Rollicking good fun. This is the Indy of old. 8/10

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I have lots of concerns about this film. I’ve been an Indi fan for years, however there is far too much CGI for my liking , all a bit comic book like. Not the real gritty story and action that we’d normally get. I’m left feeling a little disappointed :frowning2:

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Worst IJ movie I have ever watched. Sent the missus to sleep in record time, and I gave up half way through.

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