Helena punching out Indy and not letting him die in peace is the perfect metaphor for what Disney is doing to the franchise...
This is elder abuse.

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I turned this off after 40 minutes. I realized, the story is crap and I do not care what happens. None of the characters besides indiana were likable. The story is bland. They made this just to make money, it's not for the fans of the original 3. The guy who plays the villain is terrible.

Don't subject yourself to this!

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boring, too much cgi, stupid story with some old characters thrown in. accents are terrible and just no reason to revisit this one. avoid

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Awful movie. I tried sitting through it , but stopped watching after 1 hour.
The de-aging looks awful.
The stunt scenes by a 70 year old man looks unbelievable.
The storyline is weak.
The cinematography is not engaging.
Too many plotholes - To name a fewIndiana Jones is presumed to be the murderer but he boards the plane and goes to a different country. When he visits the hotel it's night, when he comes out of it just after 10mins , it's day time?

I give it a 1/10 because there is no option for 0

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Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Where is Shia la Bouf?

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This was a ton of fun, and a clear redemption from Crystal Skull. The plot moves at a breakneck pace and the action is everything you could want from an Indiana Jones movie. A lot’s been said about the flashback sequence that starts the movie, and yes - the de-aging technology isn’t convincing (Indy looks a bit like a video game character in certain shots). But give me a globe-trotting adventure with ancient relics and yet another banger score by John Williams, and I’m happy.

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well, I'm only a few minutes in and I (as a German native speaker) am pleasantly surprised that the Nazis are actually speaking quite well German.

Movie Nazis usually speak with an horribly broken accent. This much effort to detail grants at least an open mind on my part.

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It was …. OK. So many continuity questions that’s all we were talking about when leaving the cinema . For instance how do you watch a van drive off, go off to find your own transport but get to the destination 30 mins before the van?

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Wow, looking forward to this..

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Better than the 4th thanks to Phoebe, very below the initial trilogy. And still, honestly, not needed at all

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Indiana Jones versus Hannibal Lecter, now where is that movie?

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I still give this 5 stars because I love Indiana Jones, my dad showed me the trilogy a few times when I grew up and it will always have a special place in my heart. I think it's a great last movie, combining Indiana Jones with time travel (which I also love).

I like Indy and Marion getting back together, giving Mutt's character a respectful and even painful ending, the younger Indy in the opening scene, Mads being an amazing villain,... so much stuff to love, it was worth the long wait.

Even though I love all of the above, I would have liked it more if Indy stayed in the past, I found it frustrating that Helena knocked him out after we hear him being so passionate about staying there.

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GARBAGE,TRASH,REFUSE,WASTE,DOG SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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testing testing please let me test

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classic adventure, enjoy the ride.

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Continuity is bad.

Lady gets shot in lab she falls on her stomach and dies, Indi discovers he she is on her back.

Can't she remember the last scene...... "I was on my stomach now I'm on my back that's not correct."

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It's a fun movie but I really don't like Mads Mikkelsen. Not just in this, I just don't think he's a good actor. So watching him do the same thing he always does really takes me out of it. While the rest of the cast is doing a great job.

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This movie was so bad i turned it off after 1hour.

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Shout by Malini Agarwala

I hate Helena, she is so annoying. I don’t know if it’s my nostalgia for Indiana Jones, but I felt like Helena and Teddy were spoilt, disrespectful little teenagers. Am I turning old?
I also felt that for some reason they kept reminding us that Indiana is old and getting outdated (eg the whip vs guns scene in Morocco, amongst others). As if the filmmakers themselves didn’t want to bring back the series again.

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amazing movie lots of action in this movie what a way to ending sounds great no lip sync issue the starting great middle great ending was perfect fitting for Harrison ford definitely watch again

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