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Interstellar 2014

Excellent up until the point where he gets into the black hole, then every element of the film collectively jumps the shark.

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Wish I had seen this in the cinema. Absolutely beautiful even on a 13-inches screen.

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It was good, but, I really think that it needs to be viewed at the theater /iMax to thoroughly enjoy the film.
Thumbs up!

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Great movie, but the ending was just disappointing

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It's an excellent story, with excellent acting, and excellent photography. the only thing holding it back is the script. When exploring things that are illogical and comparing them to things that are strictly logical you either have to be quite vague about it or you have to pick the absolute perfect words to explain it. I do not have a problem with doing either of these but any time any character started spouting shit about Love being the only thing to transcend time it ruined the immersion completely and I (a person who has no scientific training whatsoever) could even tell that Nolan didn't know where the fuck he was going with it. The enormous leaps in logic aside, it is a very good movie.

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Yes, it does have space. But most of all it's very very very looong. Wouldn't have finished it if I didn't see it in the cinema.

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Don't download it. Go see it at the cinema, it deserves the big screen. Wow. Stunning.

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A very good film but too long, little chemistry and too complex to be a great one. McConaughey puts in yet another fantastic performance though.

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Good as hell. I was going to write something about how it is a great movie but I don't think it is necessary.

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Po-ver-ty. (Esta página culiá no me deja escribir tres sílabas solamente. Bring Miso back! Bai)

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Shout by RoRoo

Welll... this was a bit disappointing...
Too many pieces of the movie that could've been dropped to the cutting room floor.
The "inside the event horizon" bit was laughable when it wasn't supposed to be.

And although the ending was unnecessary, they didn't cut it too short and finished it as it should although I would've let the film end at him floating around Saturn.

I gave it a 7 only because of the Dolby Atmos experience.....

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This is the movie I have been waiting for.

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Shout by Lars

I think it is very convincing up until the black hole "inside the event horizon" part.

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Humanity and its conflicting traits ... ps. Kubrick would be proud :)

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Simplesmente perfeito.

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One of my favorite movies, if not the favorite. STOP reading reviews and go watch it! I can even explain in words how good this movie was

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Many people in cinema have been nice, somewhat obscure, but Nolan it is much Nolan

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it's good film,Le meilleur film au monde.

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First of all, I'm not really sure why people are getting over-excited about this movie - is it because of Nolan or in-depth sci-fi element in the plot. Some even say the movie is complicated which not many people can understand.

From what I can gather and putting aside the sci-fi wow effect, it's all about human's survival of the fittest nature shown through each characters. That's the main drive force of the movie.

Nolan put a lot of effort in making every scene count and important thus explains why the length -trust me it's still interesting though. However, the film's actual excitement is only kicking off when Cooper's journey into the black hole.

Talking about Coop, Matthew's performance was top-notch.

I have seen people praise on how beautiful the outer-space portrayal, I think they never seen the movie Gravity before.

In the end, it's probably an almost realistic portrayal of outer-space exploration from to end to end along with some space/time theory explanation. The time relativity scene (HUGE tsunami scene) was a bomb though.

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Le meilleur film au monde de tous les temps

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La vi ayer, y me ha gustado mucho. Está claro que los Nolan, o te encantan o los odias, y a mí me encantan. Es una película de ciencia ficción, pero que juega mucho con los valores humanos, con lo mejor y lo peor de nosotros mismos, y sobretodo con el esfuerzo por hacer las cosas mejor, y el sentido de la supervivencia. Hay momentos de "paranoia" (en plan "too many drugs brothers"...) pero que se acoplan con momentos de claridad total de ideas, y la mezcla de ciencia con ficción está muy bien conseguida. Me han encantado McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, M. Caine y la niña; y creo que Anne Hathaway ha quedado un poco por detrás del resto de actores, aunque tampoco lo hace mal (pero no llega a la profundidad y a transmitir lo que lo hacen el resto). En cualquier caso, es emotiva, tiene acción (para mí sobraba el momento Michael Bay), un malo (para mí también sobraba este momento, aunque entiendo que es para hablar de lo peor del ser humano), imágenes espectaculares, y una banda sonora de Hans Zimmer que como siempre lo borda.

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If rating on just pure ambition and the attempt to instill wonder, this would undoubtedly be rated higher, but there is enough issues there to bring down the movie. Outside the problems I had with the science (bootstrap paradox, missing interactions, choices in the planets) the overall themes felt a bit ham fisted and forced at times. Sentimentality and love don't have to be corny, but they came close several times here. I would have liked a bit more exploration and some more inspired shots in the movie as a whole. Nothing felt as cool and fresh as the rotating hallway in Inception. There were serious problems with the sound mixing, making dialogue unintelligible and the usual Nolan exposition, though I mostly give that a pass because of the concepts that were being employed in the movie. Despite the complaints, there were moments of true awe in this movie, and that is not easy to accomplish these days. It pushes a lot of boundaries and ideas, and that's worth a lot, even if it doesn't succeed at everything it set out to do.

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alright, alright, alright, this movie blew my mind! I will think about this for days!!! it was AWESOME!!!

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I really liked the science aspects of this movie, and how real everything felt. But then it ends with "Black Holes are magic time portals". It was kind of annoying.
I also felt all the human survival stuff and the constant "Do not go gentle into that good night" was a little pretentious, and I was kind of sick of it before the movie was over.

I liked the movie otherwise though. That's the thing about a movie that is 3 hours long. Even if you aren't enjoying parts of it, there are so many other things to focus on instead.

Yay, space!

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Shhh! I'm actually in a top-secret government space program called Secret NASA, or SNASA.
Wow. SNASA? Do you go to the moon and stuff?
Well, not the moon you're familiar with. Though I have been to the smoon.

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It's the best movie of this year. 3 hours no any sounds in the cinema, only film and nothing else.

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Interstellar is Epic. Hail Nolan ....!!!

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Even better the second time!!

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From a technical standpoint, this film is a fitting successor to Kubrick's 2001 in both quality and science accuracy. Emotionally, it's a heartbreaking tale about love, trust, betrayal and hope. However, Interstellar isn't a movie I'll care to watch again or buy, unlike Inception (my favorite Nolan film). I felt that so many plot holes were left open, found some of the characters so shallow and too emotionally driven given the stakes at play. Even the end feels somewhat as a disappointment to me, in every sense. In the end, it lacks from logic plot-wise and it plays the heart-love card way too often. Then again, the old school VFX are top notch and enjoyable. However, the story is thin, thin as paper, and I hate the fact that technology in Interstellar only works as much as the plot needs it to work, otherwise is useless or not advanced enough. Which is true in all movies, particularly sci-fi films, but it’s not supposed to feel like it at this extent, in detriment of the experience.

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I enjoyed that movie so much that 10 points isn't even enough. Thank you Christopher Nolan.

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Amazing movie. My only issue was the sound in my local IMAX was so loud I couldn't hear some of the dialog because it was coming across as static to my ears. Everyone I was with agreed that it was uncomfortably loud.

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One of the best in 2014, Nolan did an amazing job. Must see

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This one just jumped to number one in my all-time favorite movie list. Beautiful in every way.

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An incredible experience! Not the best movie, but very good visuals and a surprising story more based on the human condition than the space stuff. I thought a lot about 2001: A Space Odyssey during this movie, which IMO wasn't the best, but a very good cinematic experiment.

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Very good this movie xD

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Very fuck good thisovie xD

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Very good this movie xD

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A perfect blend of Inception and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
As a friend of mine aptly put it: "A film that even Kubrick would have been proud of".

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Viene a estar a medio camino entre Contact, 2001 y el 3º arco argumental de "The Authority" con Jenny Sparks, todo ello con la grandilocuencia bien entendida habitual de Nolan, entre la aventura pura y el tono levemente aleccionador. No llega a ser la película definitiva sobre la búsqueda de otros mundos que muchos (yo) esperábamos por alguna concesión sentimental (para mi gusto) pero casi. Y como siempre, un entretenimiento de primera. Y a Hans Zimmer deberían mandarle YA el Oscar a la mejor banda sonora.

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You will never see a film like this

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Amazing... like every Nolan movie.

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This was, quite frankly, a masterpiece. Up there with Memento and Prestige. The old Nolan is back! No more no-substance-action-flicks a la Batman & Inception!

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I would say that this is a good movie but not great. I love these kinds of movies. I loved Contact (Robert Zemeckis), felt transported. Again felt transported by Sunshine (Danny Boyle), but did not feel transported by this movie. I was aware at all time I’m watching a movie. I’m not sure exactly why but probably part to some bad acting, bad storytelling and some very bad choices.

Spoilers Stop Reading

Casting Matt Damon was probably too much. I also didn’t like the robot. It didn’t feel realistic at all. Nolan trying to have something different went too far. No way I can accept that a big ridiculous wall is a reasonable shape for an intelligent walking robot. It screams look how clever we are.

Also it was a bad idea to cast Ellen Burstyn as old Murph. That’s the most important emotional moment of the movie and immediately you feel it’s someone else, it’s not Murph. I think even if they had used Jessica Chastain in a bad old makeup, it would have been better.This movie is good but it is not great.

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