Personal Lists featuring...

Invasion U.S.A. 1985


Films de type « temps des Fêtes »; par là j’entends des films qui se déroulent durant le « temps des Fêtes » ou qui ont comme thématique le « temps des Fêtes », tsé : Noël, lutins, neige, traineau, décembre, et cetera... J’pense que tu comprends la cible. J’accepte, pour Sonja, des films qui ne se déroulent pas durant le « temps des Fêtes », mais qui s’écoutent pendant le « temps des Fêtes » (Damn you ciné-cadeau!), comme Les 12 travaux d’Astérix.

Je veux faire une programmation riche et diversifiée : des films d’ici comme d’ailleurs, d’hier à aujourd’hui, de qualité variable et de style varié (des « classiques », de l’horreur, des rom-com, des dessins animés, et cetera).

Seulement 24 de ceux çi seront sélectionné pour la shortlist, aka le calendrier de l'Avent cinématographique!

(Deadline soumission : 2020-11-23)


So Bad, its good :)
Sci Fi, Kung Fu, Action, Super hero, Ninjas, Robots, Cyborgs, Aliens, Dystopian Future, Other Worlds, Spaceships, Western, Time Travel, Cops, Lone warrior, Big Guns, Swords, Bikes, Synth music.
mostly from the 70's to mid 90's.
No Horrors.


The "250 key movies" rated and reviewed in the book Action! The Action Movie A-Z (1997) by Marshall Julius.

Author's ratings:
1-14: 5*
15-22: 4.5*
23-51: 4*
52-92: 3.5*
93-140: 3*
141-182: 2.5*
183-211: 2*
212-226: 1.5*
227-244: 1*
245-250: 0.5*

"Vengeful cops and car chases, lunatic villains and martial arts masters, male-bonding, gun fights and super secret agents, swords and sorcerers, wartime Nazi-bashing, boys' own adventures, casual destruction and general death-defiance... this is what we want to see, and if you feel the same way, "Action!" is for you, a fan's guide to the wackiest genre of 'em all, with 250 key movies rated and reviewed" -Introduction


Box office rankings for the top 100 domestic movies released in 1985



All of Red Letter Media's Best of the Worst movies

(WIP below: adding Wheel of the Worst movies and some other which are unlisted in Trakt in this area).

Wheel of the Worst:
#27 (2024-03-20)
Write From the Beginning
Lyme Disease: Time for Truth
Bible Baby

#26 (2023-09-15)
Flirting with Magic
AKTAR 911 Infantry
Surfing with Seniors

#25 (2023-06-12)
A Woman's Guide to Firearms
TV and Me
Fire Safety for Kids

Wheel of the Worst:
#24 (2023-01-14)
Strong on Crime
Elders and Family: the Family Meeting
Carman: the Standard
The Justice Masters Rebound Workout

#23 (2022-03-13)
The Manners Club
High Impact Hand Safety
"Some Japanese AIDs Video"

#22 (2021-07-10)
In Search of the Wow Wow Wibble Wobble Wazzie Woodle Woo
T-Bone's World of Clowning
Spiral Fitness Beginnings

#21 (2020-06-19)
Turtle Dreams
Safe Food Attitude
How to Host a Princess Party
Massaging the Elderly

#20 (2019-10-24)
Energy and Me
Christmas with Denis
The Thing about Money
Shape Up America

#19 (2019-06-05)
Aggregate Training for the Safety Impaired
Experience the Freedom of the Naturist Lifestyle
Orgasmic Birth
Hostage Officer Survival

#18 (2019-02-21)
Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults
Preventing Crossing at the Disaster
Creating Rem Lazar

#17 (2018-07-09)
Celebration of Age
Hug and Tree and Survive Canada
Mr. Wiggles Sessions Vol. 1
World Wide Web of Deceit

#16 (2017-12-04)
Surviving Edged Weapons
Manners Who Needs Them?
Casino Journal Publishing Group Top Slot-Spotting the Best

#15 (2017-07-12)
The Golden Road
Hanging With Leo: An Inconvenient Documentary
Telepathic Communication with Animals

#14 (2017-04-11)
Hospital Colwning
Item #6224: Octopuff in Kumquat
A Day Full of Joy

#13 (2016-12-13)
Get Street Smart: A Kid's Guide to Stranger Dangers
Traveling with Ooga Booga: On Trains, Trucks, and Airplanes
Dr. Mysterio's Patented Video Almanac of Fun Vol. 2
Bear Attacks
Just Kidding! - Rude Pranks & Dirty Gags
Nightmare on Drug Street
Safe Crossing: An Egg-cellent Idea
How to Spot Counterfeit Beanie Babies

#12 (2016-07-09)
My Twinn
Magic Tricks You Can Do
Learning the Alphabet with Ms. Udderly

#11 (2016-05-19)
How to Seduce Women Through Hypnosis
How to Get Revenge
UPC Codes and 666 - Beware the Mark of the Beast

#10 (2016-02-12)
Show Off! How to Be Cool at Parties
Exploding Varmints

BOTW Versus:

Back in Action vs. Enemy Territory

BOTW Spotlight:

Wish Upon

After Last Season

Cyborg and Arcade (Albert Pyun Double Feature)

Clash in the College

New York Ninja

Blood Shack (aka The Chooper)

Ben and Arthur

Wicked World

Petey Wheatstraw

Twister's Revenge

Suburban Sasquatch

The Last Vampire on Earth

Hollywood Cop

Black Spine Junka:

#4 (2023-11-03)
Bob Munden: the Fastest Gun Who Ever Lived
S&M Sweat and Muscle NYC
Line Dancing for Seniors
Difficult People: How to Deal with Them
The Bully Factor
Mammoth Caves National Park Auction

#3 (2022-07-27)
Mouth in Motion
Info Select
Power Pack
Target Panic: Its causes and cures
Street Smarts: Straight talk for Kids and Parents with Detective J.J. Bittenbinder
The Brothers: Fact and Reality
Oh you Beautiful Doll
It's a Steal
Lights, Cameras, Bubbles
Power Aging


The movies I have seen when a child. :)


All movies featured on Red Letter Media's Best Of The Worst (some are so bad, Trakt can't even find them. See below for Alt titles & missing titles.)


The North-Koreans might have their propaganda machine perfected so that (allegedly) every normal North-Korean sees their leaders as gods and they weep big (crocodile?) tears when one of them dies, the Americans found a new way to spread propaganda and the love for their country to the peoples masses: blockbuster movies.

This trend started in the 80ties, with as a highlight Tom Cruise who plays Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in Top Gun. Interesting fact: The United States Navy stated that after the release of the film that the number of young men who enlisted, wanting to be Naval aviators, went up by 500 percent.

When 9/11 happened and the war on terror began so did the number of blockbuster movies that added a thick layer of patriotism. Personally i could do without the dozens of waving stars and stripes flags and the inspirational but meaningless speeches of presidents at the end of the movies, but then again i am (thank god) not an American :)

This list is still a work in progress, if you know any movies that fit the description let me know.
