A perfect movie of its era. The structure makes sense and never lags or dawdles. The leads are perfect, charming, and irresistibly attractive. It's witty, smart, and fun to watch. I love this movie.

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very enjoyable, and a great peak into mid depression America...

how could they not give Clark Gable a final scene?! He leaves, upset, 5 minutes from the end, and before the wedding, but we never see him and his new girlfriend reunite! wtf?

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The first to win all five major Oscars and it shows. Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert are great together. The story is entertaining and funny.

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An entrancing clash of two egotistical souls who slowly come to realize the true value of a partner beyond their initial materialistic goals.

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It’s not the most funny thing I ever watched, but the story is nice, well paced and has some decent jokes at times, especially for the time! It’s a good movie overall and, although it feels a bit much by today’s standards, I kind of get why this was the first movie to win all 5 major Oscar categories.

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Pleasant to watch. I like the chemistry between Gable and Colbert. I like the old-fashioned language, fashion, cars and behavior. It's a road movie slash romantic comedy. The actual plot is mediocre and boring at times. Not much happens. But it has its moments.

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How can anyone not be entertained by this? One of the greatest romantic comedies of all time.

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I think the movie is extremely boring and some scenes were so hysterical I almost turned it off halfway. Huge disappointment.

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Cinema Paco 1: image 3,25 / 5 and sound 2,5 / 5. I had not seen it before, his fame and his oscars are well deserved

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This is a pleasant, funny classic that shows it age only slightly.

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