Shouts about...

Jackie 2016

Boring as fukc. Would rather watch paint dry

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What a remarkable woman. Truly, truly tragic.

A great representation of what Jackie had to deal with. Although from an entertainment perspective, I found this film slightly lacking.
Nonetheless, I watched it mostly to be educated in the historical event surrounding it; I feel it delivered in that respect.

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The story of becoming a widow... we will not learn anything else from this film.

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i am never reading any comments again before watching a movie. like i really loved this. don’t understand the negative reviews.

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Much needed film but I watched with a grain of salt.

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  • the representation of the after-death feeling in an impeccable way
  • I love the way Pablo Laraín represented the way Jacqueline reacts to one of the greatest events in American history: the assassination of John F. Kennedy
  • Natalie as Jackie was the most unexpected combination (I didn't think of her for this role), but THE ONE THAT WORKED AS SURELY POSSIBLE >>> she's doing incredibly well in every way (the White House interview....goddess)
  • all the symbology with which the film approaches the Myth of Camelot (along with the Broadway play which is sensational) and how Jackie does everything to keep her husband's legacy alive are sensational!!!
  • one of my favorites and that made me a fan of Pablo's work
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It took me a whole day to finish this because of timing and interruptions, which led to me spending a whole day feeling like I was in a state of shock and grief with the ever present ridge of tears around the edges of my eyes just waiting for a chance to flow free

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It's been a couple of days since seeing the movie and sadly it doesn't hold up in my mind. While Natalie Portman is engaging and certainly looks the part, I never lost sight of Natalie Portman. It was never clear if this was based on a true account. No it would have been interesting to have someone read the article and then to morph into Natalie's reselling/acting. Anyway, it was meh.

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L'autore cileno riesce a cogliere il sogno della Camelot kennedyana, a tragedia avvenuta, dal punto di vista della vedova. Flash del passato e volontà incrollabile di perpetuare il mito, in una ricostruzione lontanissima dal biopic, dove lo smarrimento di Jackie corrisponde a quello di un intero paese.

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Sorry. A snooze fest. Portman made it worst.

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A wonderful piece of cinema, propelled by a tremendous performance by Portman. However, the acting is terrific across the board. The film is directed with considerable finesse, and driven by a haunting music score. A film to be experienced and savoured, not as Oscar bait (though it is a shame it was overlooked), but as something that approaches art. That rarest of times when everybody is at the top of their game.

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CRAP - Without doubt one of the worst films…EVER.

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Really amazing performance by Natalie Portman. But sure it's a very slow movie.

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The few things I knew about this story I learned from reading Stephen King's "22-11-63". Aka I don't know a lot. I don't know what Jackie was like as a president's wife, and I don't feel like I got to know her better by watching this movie. As far as I know people adored her but I still don't really know why. She was a bit cold and although very strong, not very friendly. Her husband just got killed so maybe that's why they decided to portrait her this way but I wasn't really feeling it, I guess. It for sure wasn't a bad movie, the camera work was amazing and I loved the Natalie Portman close-ups (there were a lot of those). Natalie Portman showed a whole new side of her if you ask me and she did it so well! It's just to bad that the storyline wasn't what I expected.

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Shout by fredphoesh
BlockedParent2017-03-10T19:17:42Z— updated 2017-05-15T09:19:52Z

My god what a bore. It takes a really unengaging movie for me to walk out... this was one. I really did not care about Jackie, her plight/problems/life. The acting looked good.

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Portman gives an impressive performance as she shows off a very human side of such a public figure, having to cope at the worst imaginable time of ones life.

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Well done Natalie Portman!
I loved your performance.
The last moments were the best for me.

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All in all i did not like the film but i think the last scenes between the priest and Jackie has won me over

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2017-01-30T23:11:42Z— updated 2017-07-30T19:39:40Z

I didn't care for this.

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Shout by Michel
BlockedParent2017-01-30T20:50:24Z— updated 2017-02-25T18:02:43Z

Here is Natalie Portman on another piece of art which involved Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan). At first glimpse the movie seem to give us nothing but what we already knew about the JFK assassination, but it gives us Jackie's perception of the truth and once you get into her story and identifie with Natalie's magnificent portrait of Jackie Kennedy's brief moments after the assassination of her husband, you probably won't take your eyes off the screen. The pain and suffering she had been through to that day, losing two of her children and her husband and the strength she had to get up on her knees and keep going. It also shows the vanity behind Jackie in several aspects.
Let's not forget about John Hurt's incredible performance. The last 20 minutes at least I was on the edge of my seat listening to the wise and sensible dialogue the priest was having with Jackie. Natalie carried the whole movie all by herself basically - and with greatness. Another stunning performance worth the Oscar for her.

RIP. John Hurt

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Shout by Deleted

It took a bit of an adjustment period but I did really enjoyed Natalie Portman's performance here. The story is very unorthodox and doesn't really become the typical Oscar Bait movie that you expect. Portman's performance still does carry the film though. There is some great insight into what happened after the Kennedy Assassination and how much her life changed after that moment.

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Natalie Portman was fantastic! John Hurt's cameo was magnificent as would be expected. But, beyond that I really have nothing else good to say about the movie. It's many streams of storytelling were fragmented and uncomfortable. The editing was horrible. The narrative ranged from documentary truth to intensely personal supposition, which negated any real sense that we know the primary character, or indeed those few days following the assassination, any better than before. I rarely get as bored and disinterested than I did watching this film. I give it a 5 (meh) out of 10,. Although Natalie and John made poetry out of paste.

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A sombre insight into the life of Jackie O just after the assassination of her husband. Beautiful cinematography and a chilling score. Highly recommended. Portman for the Oscar i say.

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