Shouts about...

Jason X 2001

"This sucks on so many levels." Jason X is a cheesy horror comedy that goes where no Friday the 13th film has ever gone before. With a story that's so stupid that it has to be seen to be believed, the film satirizes the sci-fi and horror genres. In the year 2455 Jason Voorhees is found in cryostasis by an archaeology team and taken aboard their spaceship bound for Earth 2, but when Jason awakens the killing spree begins. The acting is awful and the special effects are atrocious. But it all adds up to that special kind of bad that's entertaining to watch. A campy B-movie, Jason X is so absurd and over-the-top that it's actually a bit of fun.

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I enjoyed Jason X a lot more on this rewatch than watching it the first time. The first time I just joined letterboxd and wanted to be all snobby about films. But these days, being in my thirties now, I just want to be damned entertained. And how can I not be entertained by Jason being Uber and somehow in space. Jason killing Cronenberg and fighting Oenomaus? Awesome!

Ps. Sleeping bag scene was the best!

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i find this more watchable than all its prequels, they really fucked up the story of jason voorhees in all the films before this, imo

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By far the best part was when Jason started swinging the girl in the sleeping bag and hitting the other girl. Space Jason sorta looks cool, in an early 2000s sci-fi kind of way.

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Good gory fun. I don't really understand the hate for this one. Sure it is sort of stupid, but then... it's a Friday the 13th movie. And Kane Hodder plays Jason. What's not to like?

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The only way to watch this movie is to actually forget it belongs to the "Friday The 13th" collection. I didn't enjoyed this. If you love "Friday The 13th" then stay away from this.

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"Jason-fucking-Voorhees, that's what's going on!"

Hear me out: I am a fan of movies that are so bad that they are good but this movie went too far! The most fun I had was when Jason is beating girls up while they are wrapped up in sleeping bags.

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Jason X is a fun movie written on a strange premise that surprisingly brings life back to the F13 series. I really don't get why this one gets so much hate, because I very well think that it might be my favorite outside of the Tommy trilogy.

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I was born 1985, so I'd probably have missed out on the whole Franchise hadn't it been for this Movie and Freddy vs Jason.

Thanks for many sleepless schoolnights (due to binge-watching the movies - not being horrified by them :) )

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Finally. Some gore. This is the first in the series I actually enjoyed in a "so bad it's good" kinda way. Most were just bad. But this is so over the top, it circles back around to being fun. And the whole thing is shot like an early 2000s boyband music video. But to be fair the acting wasn't even that bad. Especially Peter Mensah was quite good.

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Oh Jason, mother must be disappointed in you. What the hell are you doing in space? I know Jason's a brain dead zombie and all, but I bet his mind probably lost in space and now he's actually in space.

So are main killer Jason is discovered in the 25th century and brought aboard a spaceship as Earth is no longer habitable. Seeking to find out about their discovery, they awaken Jason... and he picks up the slaughter right where he left off.

This has to be one of the most stupidest horror movie that I ever seen. The story is stupid and the characters are so annoying that you wish they would die in a horrible death.

I think everybody is right about Friday the 13th, the day brings such bad luck.

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Shout by Deleted

Two things that don't seem to mix: slasher horror and being in a spaceship in space. Alien pulls it off but Jason is no Alien....or is he? The F13 elements are present though: couples, sex scenes inter played with murder scenes, Jason's titled head and hesitation when someone is trying to negotiate. I love the cyborg-esque Jason at the end - would make a great Halloween costume!

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New Line Cinema was a mistake.

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