Jim Carrey's self analysis is devastatingly touching.

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Madness or genius? After seeing this doc, and Carrey's method approach into getting under Kaufman's skin, you might well wonder. The truth is more complicated than that of course, but when talking about both Carrey and Kaufman, the same truth applies to both men. They are/were both tremendously talented, and they are/were both capable of pushing their art and their behaviour to the limits. The doc is mesmerising, and serves as an offbeat tribute to both men. It also reminded me that I do need to rewatch 'Man on the Moon' again sometime soon!

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
2 / 2 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

.5 / 1 misc

8.5 out of 10

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Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 2/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography 7/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 35/5 = 7

I watched this doc without ever seeing Man on the Moon. But I did go into this knowing the careers of both Jim Carrey and Andy Kaufman. Seeing the behind the scenes of a movie with a method actor in progress shows the true ups and downs of said approach. On one hand, making many of the cast & crew go through hell the entire shoot for the sake of staying in character seems entirely unnecessary. Yet, by the same token, could anybody pull off Kaufman without staying Kaufman from start to finish. Maybe, that answer is somewhere in the middle, Andy wasn't always plugged into bizarre at 11 and seeing Jim be that way all the time makes one wonder. Nevertheless, a lovely insight into the minds of two unique people, tethered together from two planes of existence by a single movie.

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It's sad and a bit amazing that Carrey can't find work anymore. His analysis of himself and how he got lost in the character is extremely interesting. I have to admit that part of me wonders if - in the spirit of Kaufman - we've been had again. If that is the case, great.


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