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Jungle Fever 1991

Spike Lee swings big, and sometimes that results in a home run and sometimes it’s a swing and a miss like this one. It’s basically a soap opera mixed with a PSA with little subtlety and nuance and very of its time, but performances like Jackson’s and Lee’s direction still being stellar- like the bedroom scene that shadows the black lead in darkness and highlights the paleness of the white lead to hammer in the gap- keep it from being worthless.

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The movie could have been great if it weren't CONSTANTLY trying to preach or... make a statement. What's more is what it was TRYING to preach got it so wrong that it just destroys the entire movie. At best it's a #Woke, #MeToo film way before it was a trend/fad to be so. At worst it's one of the films I wish I could unsee.

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Shout by Deleted

What are you trying to say Spike? Miscegenation is wrong? Or just doomed to failure? Either way, it's unacceptable.
I hope you've learnt some wisdom in the intervening years. :rage:

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