Official Lists featuring...

Kid's Story 2003


Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines. The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated.


Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines. The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated.


Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines. The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated.


Animatrix besteht aus neun brandneuen Kurzfilmen, die Andy und Larry Wachowski konzipiert haben, jene Brüder, denen wir auch die Martrix-Trilogie verdanken. Umgesetzt wurden die Ideen der Wachowskis von den besten Regisseuren, die das Anime-Genre zu bieten hat. Spektakuläre Bilder, mitreißende Rhythmen und die visionären Geschichten der Wachowski-Brüder entführen auf eine einzigartige Reise durch die jede Vorstellungskraft sprengende Welt der Matrix. Erfahren sie mehr über den Krieg der Menschen gegen die Maschinen, wie die Matrix entstand und über die Figuren, die in ihr leben.
