Shouts about...

Kill Your Friends 2015

The kind of film that would have been a success in the 90's. Now, however, the film tries too hard to be offensive and dark in its blackly comic look at the music industry. Instead its mundane, dated and pointless.

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let's call it British Psycho. it's not groundbreaking nor is it that original, but it is original nonetheless, decently acted, and entertaining.. seriously, you might be put off by some events/characters, but there isn't that much of dull moments in this movie.

watch it for yourself, you might like it, or at the very least you wont regret it.

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31% Seriously? I don't think it's that bad... Could've been a bit shorter tho..

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It becomes eternal. Very loose in all aspects.

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Shout by Елена Антилевская

Vary good film! An interesting story, deep meaning and great music.

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Some good jokes with dark humourous scenes, a good amount of thriller and psychotic drama, but lacking a proper and exciting storyline.
Really boring.

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