Shouts about...

King Richard 2021

I am shocked with how much i enjoyed this movie. It hit all the right notes. I came from a tennis family so that just made it even better. I LOVED this movie so much.

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What a beautiful movie. It's all just beautiful.

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Second watch is as quality as the first. I really appreciate a good sports drama and this one is no exception. Will Smith is perfectly unhinged, and the fact this is a true story makes it that much more engaging.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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I grew up playing tennis in the 90s and watched Venus and Serena rise to the top. There were always stories about their father, even here in the Netherlands. He was a bully, he was abusive.. the stories were bad a lot of the times. If this depiction of Richard Williams is close to the truth he stould up for his girls and gave them all he had. Maybe it was a little too much at times, but it came from a good heart. Beautiful movie.

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King Richard is a heartfelt biopic that shows the rise of the triumphant Williams sisters, and the film is triumphant on all fronts.

I thought it did a great job showing the trials and tribulations of reaching the top of any sport, while also showing the side of a father wanting to protect his black children in a white man's world. It struck a really nice balance that felt genuine.

Will Smith is excellent in this role, one of his best in years. I can see why he was slam dunk to earn best actor at the Golden Globes. The rest of the cast did excellent as well, I was really impressed with the two girls and Jon Bernthal. Bernthal has such a diverse range for acting, he severely underrated in Hollywood.

This film was a joy to watch, and I highly recommend.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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There’s not much more to say except: he did it, they did it exactly like he planned and predicted.
Will Smith with an outstanding performance reminded me of him on In Pursuit of Happiness (one of my favourite movies)

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a great movie, but it has the potential to be greater. it feels like Green chooses to portray mainly the feel-good moments, and I would want more of the emotional, raw, messy stuff. superb peformances all around here — Anunjanue Ellis, Saniyya Sidney, Will Smith, Jon Bernthal are all excellent

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A great movie. It was a interesting way to tell the Williams' sisters history under their father's perspective. Beyond that, Will Smith is excellent on the scenes.

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Inspirational! This really changed my assumptions about the Williams girls. I’ve been aware of their rise in tennis but never realized what milestones they had to set (and, really, blow away). Great story. Great young cast. I give this film an 8 (great) out of 10 [BioPic]

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Super performance from Will Smith and a great true story about the girls and father that was an inspiration.

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"When I Was A Little Boy, My Mom Used To Say, 'Son, The Most Powerful, The Most Dangerous Creature On This Whole Earth Is A Woman Who Knows How To Think.'"

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Great to see that inspiring stories!

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I really really don't like the part where Will Smith farts, 9/10

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ok we get it Will, u can act

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Great movie and a unique true story.When the movie ended i couldn't believe in my eyes.It's really motivating and you can't get emotional. 7.7/10

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Shout by Xiofire
BlockedParent2021-12-05T18:42:44Z— updated 2022-01-02T14:31:31Z

This was such a good biopic, I didn't know all the way through if Richard was going to sabotage his girls and everything they'd worked for, or if it was all part of the plan. A super engaging film from top to bottom that hits all the right drama notes to keep you hooked and invested. Great stuff.

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Great autobiography, do yourself a favor and watch this movie!

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Shout by Ariel Rodriguez
BlockedParent2022-01-08T01:52:52Z— updated 2022-05-02T18:03:09Z

It is agood movie, but MAN! I hated Richard Williams, he is so maddening that I just wanted him to shut up. I kind of understand why he was like that, after all he suffered a lot. The most comic part was when he told his daughters that one day they'd buy a lot of beds and wouldn't have to share beds with their sisters (and I thought, well if you hadn't had FIVE daughters living with not enough money they wouldn't have had to share beds).

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King Richard is a gripping horror film about an egotistical father grooming his offspring to devour their enemies and conquer the world...and tennis.
Story: on to reality and pretty damn inspiring
Script: 7
Performances: 8...Smith definitely has some impressive moments worthy of Oscar buzz, but Ellis is the one who says it in my opinion, showing much more ranger in her role. The sisters and coaches are all solid.
Misc.: 6...nothing special, but the tennis scenes are actually dang impressive
Influence: 7...was lower before "The Slap"
Overall: 7

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I'm not a huge tennis fan but boy was this a compelling movie. Although Venus and Serena would go on to become the big stars in real life, this movie is certainly more about the unique way in which their father chooses to raise them. One thing that people may take issue with is that Richard is portrayed very positively in the film, even though he was extremely controlling and strict on his daughters. I, however, am fine with the film taking some liberties as it shows how much Richard believed in his daughters.

The acting from the young girls, particularly Venus, is very good as is Jon Bernthal as tennis coach Rick Macy. But, as expected, Will Smith steals the show here, mastering the mannerisms and the attitude of Richard in a way that you are rooting for this guy despite his stubbornness and hubris. The final match even made me tear up.

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A movie about the amazing start to two of the best athletes of all time…’s father. I guess it’s a story that needed to be told?

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I enjoyed this quite a bit. Interesting look into the mind of a hyper determined father (and yes mother too) to turn 2 of his daughters into two of the greatest tennis players of all-time. I would have liked a little more focus on Serena's development as well, but overall it was well worthy of a watch. 7.3 for me.

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"Unlike you, I don't need the world to tell me I'm great."

I love the Williams sisters in this. It shows their diligence and kindness and they are just fun to watch on the screen. The part that surprised me was that I did not enjoy Will Smith’s performance as much as everyone else. It might be the first time I have seen him tear up and it doesn’t do anything for me. King Richard just seemed like King Dick for the most part.

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Will Smith got the Oscar but its the girls playing the Williams sisters that deserve all the kudos. They are the heart of this film and the story of these tennis greats is inspiring.

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"Venus and Serena gon' shake up this world."

King Richard is the Will Smith show and the Academy Award he won for this role is very well deserved. When he's on he's on and when Aunjanue Ellis's there to back him up in their scenes together you get some very powerful stuff.

Anyway King Richard in the end is your kind of typical "biopic". It has the standard beats and the matches at the end are not accurate because we needed the drama. Which is understandable. But the performances are great even by the kids with the two standouts already mentioned. I loved John Bernthal's Mustache and to be honest, it didn't really feel like a 2 and a half hour movie. Which is always a good sign.

I love sports movies, always find them interesting and especially if they have the matches in it, which King Richard has and I must say they do look good. But in the end I was maybe expecting a bit more for a best picture nominated movie.

Still King Richard is worth a watch for the performances by Will Smith, Aunjanue Ellis and Bernthal's Mustache!

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I don't like sports movies or tennis but Will Smith's talent made me forget both of those facts.

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Shout by JC

A perfectly fine biopic lifted by Will Smith’s charisma.

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King Richard was a good movie. I think it is Oscar worthy performance by will smith.

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An authorized biopic is always a double-edged sword, even more so if it highlights a kind of messianic plan of the father rather than his daughters' own values. Because, after all, the Williams sisters are to their credit, as black women in a primarily white sport. A film designed in the shape of the Oscar, it contributes little to the staging of tennis and runs for about two and a half hours totally unnecessary.

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What a black black black woke woke woke movie

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Keep my wife's name out of your F--king mouth! unless you're August Alsina then do what ever you want with her mouth.

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Shout by FatalMuzza
BlockedParent2022-03-31T03:46:44Z— updated 2022-04-04T01:12:16Z

Still need to watch this, but seeing Will Smith be such a cuck at the Oscars trying to pathetically prove his manhood it will take awhile. Yeah I know, separate the art from the artist, etc. It's just too soon.

Edit: have now watched. Good movie.

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Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2021-11-21T16:37:13Z— updated 2022-03-21T20:11:26Z

If you don't cry at the end, you have no heart!

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Will smith looks really good in this

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I don't care much about tennis or sports in general but I was really interested throughout the movie and even rooting for Venus in the matches.

For me it was a (mostly) feel good movie about great parents who want the best for their kids. Great casting and I loved seeing the real recordings at the end.

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This movie reveals the process of willfully accepting personal responsibility for your own life and inculcating it into the lives of those who are dependent upon your supervision. A quintessentially American movie. There are no victims here; just hard work.

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