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Krull 1983

I can see why a lot of people say this is terrible; the logic and style of it is all over the place. The magic in it is total gobeldy-gook. Not a lick of it makes any sense. But that said, there's some cool visuals and a fairly interesting fantasy story here.

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This movie sucks and the lead really sucks.

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"Krull" is a fantasy film that has not only aged horribly but was probably never all that good in the first place. The combination of swashbuckling and sci-fi fails miserably. The costumes and sets are mostly ridiculous, and the script is full of genre clichés. Acting-wise, it's all underwhelming, though some early roles by later stars are a pleasant surprise. The only saving grace is the atmospheric score by James Horner. In the end, however, I found it difficult to maintain my interest even halfway through until the finale. The film is simply too long, too boring, and too uninteresting to earn even a minor recommendation from me.

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Fantastic of ogres and goblins.

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This is one of my favorite movies from my childhood I really think that it deserves a remake and the glaive is the coolest weapon ever

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What a really cool film this one is. In short, it's pretty much like The Lord of the Rings mixed with Star Wars. I blind bought the Blu-ray when I saw it in the related/recommendations on Amazon. I watched the trailer and thought it looked really cool. It's now among my favorites, although the current Blu-ray is very barebones, not even subtitles, movie only.

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An Oldie but still wonderful. I think those you have an appreciation for some of the concepts in Star Wars should like this. I loved it when I was younger.

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I haven't seen this since I was about 10... it might've been a better idea to leave it at that.

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