Shouts about...

Kung Fu Panda 2 2011


Shout by Sam

Being a fan of the first one, and wanting to know more about Po's history kung-fu panda has done a good job. Got me in the feelings when you found out anout how he was deserted as a baby panda. But has a good lead up at the end and into kung fu panda 3!

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Shout by Deleted

Better than the previous movie by a long shot. Lord Shen is the best villain this franchise has produced so far. Everything is perfectly placed in this movie. From comedy to dialogues... it's all very well executed.

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A perfect sequel, this elevates the first film in almost every way! Maybe I'm just extra nostalgic today, but the third act had me tearing up multiple times. Without having seen 3 or 4, I want to say this the Endgame of Kung Fu Panda movies

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A great sequel for a story that was so simple at first. You could clearly see they wanted to do more with the 2nd movie and beyond.

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Wish I could find my inner peace

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-09-11T09:31:55Z— updated 2024-03-07T22:38:04Z

A little better than the first one. Again, the plot’s super basic and there’s not a beat you can’t predict, but there’s enough visual creativity and wit to make up for that. The set pieces are improved, the camerawork is smoother and they wisely dialed back the slapstick. It’s surprisingly mellow at times, you can defintely feel the Charlie Kaufman influence next to the other two. These movies really know how to use colour, especially the use of red is very striking, particularly in the third act. The villain is also much more memorable, I love the design of the peacock, and him being voiced by Gary Oldman is great (even though he lacks a proper motivation). So it fixes most of the problems I had with the first one, even though it lacks the risk taking and emotional substance that would elevate it beyond being just pretty decent.


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Skadoosh! Kung Fu Panda 2 delivers another action-packed and exciting adventure that’s fun for all ages. As a new threat rises, the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five must work together to defend all of China from tyranny. In addition to the original cast, Gary Oldman, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Danny McBride lend their talents; creating interesting new characters. Additionally, the quality of the computer animation has improved, and the fight scenes are more elaborate. Full of thrills, Kung Fu Panda 2 is a solid sequel that’s sure to entertain.

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Shout by JC

I really dug a lot of this, from the expansion of Tigress to the action. But Gary Oldman and James Hong steal the show. Shen is a classically tragic and multifaceted villain, bolstered by strong writing and expressions as much as Oldman’s performance. He’s a slave to his ambitions and knows they won’t fill the crater inside, but has come too far to just stop. And Hong is phenomenal as always. Just so tender, so heartfelt. He only has a few scenes, but he owns every one and is rightly the emotional center of the ending.

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Shout by Deleted

Not as good as the first, but still really good.

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Admittedly, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first “Kung Fu Panda.” Don’t get me wrong, it’s alright, but that’s all. Just alright. The jokes about him being big and clumsy get old after an hour and a half, to the point where it almost seems like a movie that’s trying to (ironically) fat shame kids.

“Kung Fu Panda 2” is really more of the same. Same characters, same plot, same jokes. It’s extremely predictable with literally no surprises, giving the characters little depth. What we are presented with here is essentially a paint-by-numbers family film. If you’re okay with that, then more power to you. It’s pretty harmless brain candy, but if you’re looking for more substance or any way to challenge your kids a little, look elsewhere. Again, it’s just kind of...there. Ironically zen, in a way.

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Shout by desacawi

Really cute movie I didn't expect the ending to be like that

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I liked this movie a lot more than the first one. I had a lot of fun.

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Absolutely amazing, better than the original in my opinion, being able to have a more original story, better main villain & great animation & scenes, I recommend this to any & everyone

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Shout by Deleted

homer go boom bart did it, #ShiftvW8

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I liked part 3 too but this sequel is a lot more memorable.

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An emphatic return with a darker story; great movie with lots in it for the adults as well.

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Shout by Deleted

Kung-fou de ce film

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Just as good if not better than the first...

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Shout by chronic

disappointing nowhere near as good as the first just a let down really even for me who loves all animated flicks.

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Excelente! Um dos poucos filmes bons da Dreamworks.

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Very funny ! Great moments of action and comedy. 9/10.

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1 word, 7 letters - Awesome

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Shout by Ben

Pure awesomeness - strongly recommend this one!

Like the fellow trakters here already said it's just as great as the first one - maybe even better.
It has a great story, lots of action, it has peace ;) tons of humor (for every generation) and for a little designer like me stunningly graphics & beautiful animations.

Way to go Dream Works - you did an amazing job!

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Just as great as the first Kung Fu Panda! Finally a sequel that doesn't disappoint, but lives up to the original. And finally a movie about evil peacocks, I've been waiting for that all my life!! And of course the beautiful animation style, lots of funny moments (if you like Jack Blacks awesomeness), a decent story and a great flow throughout the movie to keep things moving.

Highly recommended, just like the first one!

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A really great movie. A worthy sequel to the first movie.

To be honest i was always wondering why a goose had a Panda as a son when i saw the first movie. But i thought that that was just how things were in that universe (You know, when pigs and bunnies with clothes are talking interspecies marriages and all that doesn't seem that weird). But this movie cleared that up fortunately.

According to Wikipedia this is Jennifer Yuh her first directing job. I have to say she did an awesome job on it. Not only is this her first directing job, she also made it the highest-grossing film ever directed by a woman.

Spoiler At the end they hint to already another sequel, when we see Po his father. I would like that very much. Maybe even a panda girlfriend for Po, that should be funny to watch too!

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very funny movie and grat faily movie. enjoyed it very much. we even started playing the wii game afer watching the movie lol.

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#KungFuPanda2 ranks among the best films DreamWorks has ever done! Well-executed & precisely calibrated crowd-pleasing machine: balancing action, comedy topped with heart giving it an all-around inner peace of hardcore awesomeness!

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