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Land of Bad 2024


Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2024-02-24T03:14:54Z— updated 2024-02-25T16:15:33Z

"CIA and DIA... Alphabet soup motherfuckers..."

Went in expecting what the title promises and ended up enjoying this from start to finish, so... Land of Good. Granted it doesn't reinvent the genre by any means, it's all stuff we've seen before and not much of this is memorable (except for an explosion scene and any scene in the dark and filth), but Land of Bad is action packed all the way. Explosions galore, gun fights, missiles, grenades, hand-to-hand fights and some gory bloody kills.

The story is so generic and the characters (apart from maybe Russell Crowe's) are very generic, what do we even know about the main character except that he likes Froot Loops? I enjoyed the change of scenery and characters between the acts, kept it captivating. I think they could have trimmed it a little in the second act in the forest though, it was overlong. My favorite moments were the hand-to-hand fight in the house, the explosion and anytime our characters were filthy in the second half.

That was the longest NBA game in history

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So the nba game was 10+ hours long?

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Land of Bad. Hmmm. There are scenes that are not necessarily should be part of it. I just watched it because of Thor.

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Decent movie. Good actors. Not much for the plot. Good violence.

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Excellent action movie, good visuals, intense shooting, nothing to criticize.

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Was a good movie. I enjoyed it. Lots of explosions and shooting going on. Was a good action movie. Worth a watch.

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Good, but could have been better. There were some solid action sequences but a few too many really dumb and unbelievable parts that could have been done better. It was entertaining but it started out making me think it was going to be one of the more “realistic” and gritty combat movies but it turned into just another action flick.

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Not a bad movie. Solid watch, nice suspense at times. Good performances from Liam and his brother and Milo.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - What a great action film from start to finish!

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Decent action movie with solid performances by Milo, Russell and Liam. What you see is what you bet you can totally switch your mind off when watching this one.

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good movie but many blood

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The plot, cast and script weren't anything brilliant, were average at best but the action, effects were decent, felt real at times and did enjoy Russell Crowe's role, it where the humour was and he needs more roles like that (anger russell) ha

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The dude gets hit in the face with a hammer and gets his teeth knocked out and a few minutes later he smiles with a full mouth of teeth.

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Russell Crowe was great in this. Good to see him getting good roles for his age group.

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Not really sure why this movie was made. If you've seen any "US soldier behind enemy lines" movie you've seen this one too.

It was funny how all the hostiles disappeared because the movie was over.

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A lot of these action movies are terrible, but this one was well above average. Kept us engrossed from start to finish.

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This movie was so good. I love 10 of 10

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Crowe was fantastic, and bargain Hemsworth was very good as well. Some moments were infuriating just to ratchet up the tension, but overall this a B movie with teeth. Good tension and action. 6.9

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The movie started off good but then the middle of it, it started to get really repetitive then changed pace towards the half end of the movie (thankfully) since I was about to turn it off. I really need to start watching more movies with Russell Crowe in it, I really like his acting but he seemed out of place in the movie at the same time.

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Cinematic butt rock, this will be guaranteed to find its audience of dads during reruns on cable once they’ve exhausted the Expendables franchise. Doesn’t really mess up besides some of the try-hard macho dialogue and awkward material given to Russell Crowe, however nothing stands out either. It doesn’t even come close to some of the cinematic flair of the John Wick or Extraction movies, everything about this is middle-of-the-road and forgettable.


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Land of Bad is a B Movie through and through. The story premises has the potential to be great, but the creative decision made this movie good but remarkably average.

The all stars cast failed to lift Land of Bad due to the bad script.

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2024-02-19T05:45:53Z— updated 2024-02-20T21:14:22Z

Like ice coffee: it'll perk you up but isn't as cool as it wants you to think it is.

A decent action movie that delivers on its promises, although it doesn't promise a whole lot. This mix of 13 Hours and Zero Dark Thirty has the action and keeps it up for 90 minutes, which is more than I can say for myself so... Recommend.

PS The cinematography is high caliber considering it's 'just' an action film.

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Not a bad movie. I think it is worth watching. The only negative is that the explosive effects were a little distracting.

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Nothing new . A deja vu action film !

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Not watched this yet but the synopsis sounds like Bat★21 1988 and the weaker Copy/Sequal Behind Enemy Lines 2001:sleeping:

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The first half of this movie plays out like a Call of Duty game. Frickin awesome. Second half is good. But it’s more like a Tutorial mission where you’re supposed to get the hang of the controls etc.

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It was a good and satisfying movie, it is worth watching

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It warned you in the title. I would say the first half is okay/decent but the 2nd isn’t very good. There’s an drama/action sequence interspliced with Russel Crowe shopping for groceries. It’s so adjuring and kinda funny. The ending to is like the biggest pfffff whatever. It’s also chock full of deus ex machinas. I think I’ll only ever reference this movie when referring to how sad Russel Crowe has fallen.

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Decent action movie. Predictable but enjoyable.

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