Shouts about...

Last Christmas 2019

i was expecting a typical rom com but, boy was i in for a spin... by the end i was crying. Emilia Clarke is amazing as always, and Henry Golding is also great. Really cool, recommend.

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Predictable? Yes.
Romantic? Not really.
Comedy? Not hugely funny but some amusing bits.
Heart-wrenching? A little towards the end.
Would George Michael have approved? Likely not.

This is a weird little film. Feels like a cash grab on the Xmas repeats/reruns market. It will now play every Xmas after all...

A weird story and a lead character who is cute but quite horrible to all around her. A redemption story set against the literal words of a song...

I didn't like the strange Brexit/immigration sub plot. It felt out of place. If we're firmly in Richard Curtis-clone mode then why not fully create a London that doesn't exist. Not take bits of reality and bits of fantasy at will.

It doesn't try to do harm and it certainly doesn't. But it also doesn't really uplift. It just feels a bit cringe throughout. Naff jokes and strange attempts at romance.

6/10 - and I'm being generous. This won't get a rewatch in future.

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Really nice movie. I wasn't expecting to be good but I really felt the magic of Christmas. And the sound track is adding to the emotion, I was crying at the end.

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""Hmm... I know we just showed how shit her life is.... But how can we REALLY drive it home?""ù
""What if when something bad happens to her at the beginning of the movie and she looks up and shouts UGH MY LIFE IS SHIT! So that the audience really gets that her life is shit?""ù
""Great idea, we're so good at writing movies""ù
Then they high five'd maybe.

What in the world, why is Patty LuPone in this?? Will she be more than this one scene? Did she owe Paul Feig a favor?

Man she does one RELLY fucked up thing towards the end of this movie that the forgive her for real quick..

She got over the shock of that pretty quickly....

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Fantastic cast: Emma Thompson, Michelle Yeoh, Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Emilia Clarke’s eyebrows. Not to mention, great sound track à la George Michael.

I was going to say the movie was mediocre at best. However, it did make me sob like a baby. That says more about me than the movie (I’m a crybaby). But it’s a good movie to watch one time and move on. It’s got a nice meaning and awesome acting.

Also: LOL - Last Christmas I gave you my heart. Cannot determine if that’s clever or lazy, but after I finished crying I had a good laugh at that..

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I mean I guessed what would happen from the start basically but it was still good

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It was feel-good and cute, exactly what is advertised. Emilia Clarke is a such great actress and it was quite funny at times. The plot was a bit predictable though and also didn't make sense in the end - why was she hallucinating? Does she have a brain issue?

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Cool Xmas (kinda) romantic comedy, even though I felt quite sad at the end, but it was a nice watching, I enjoyed it a lot :)

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This is my kind of film. Warm, melancholic, sharp, very-well-thought soundtrack, British. Shut up and take my money.

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No one ask me why I'm bawling my eyes out right now.

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I thought this was going to be a very joyfull and wholesome movie, but now I'm sat here crying like a baby!!! Amazing.

PS: wow, only read the comments after posting mine and people are actually mad that a movie about Christmas is a cliché?

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I do not recommend it. The plot is slowly sticking together, historical, political and national references are also sewn with thick threads. Only the reference to the growing xenophobicism of Europe is correct.

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This is definitely not your typical kind of Christmas film as festive films tend to be sappy romances but this most certainly was not. Although the romance was there in the film, this had a more sombre edge and I was actually surprised when it was revealed what relevance the title had to the actual film. All of the cast did well but definitely the stand out was Emilia Clarke, she is truly one of the talents of this generation and I hope we get to see her on our screens many more times in the future.

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I thought it would be a typical Christmas romantic comedy, but it is a much sadder story with more background. I did not like too, much drama, although it is a beautiful story it is too sad. Besides that it is a paranoia that he is dead.

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Good for one Christmas viewing. I don't think I'd watch again though.

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I liked it until the twist. I'm sorry but this doesn't even make any sense. His apartment, for example, how did she know where it was? How did she know the phone was gonna be in the cupboard?
Some people said she hallucinated, and if that true then the questions above would still remain. Some people said that he was a ghost but they never really alluded to that so it just felt weird but if he was I guess the stuff about his apartment and phone would make sense.Another option I guess would be that because she has his heart in his body she therefore "knew" him in a way, but that implies magic, basically( which I guess the ghost theory also does). Maybe she hallucinated the existence of the apartment and was never there to begin with but then she wouldn't have talked to that man at the apartment when she had her epiphany so yeah, it doesn't really make sense.
I would have prefered a basic romcom, to be honest. This could have been done better.

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Shout by Agent24

Not your typical Rom-Com and definitely not what I was expecting from this movie. But I must say I really liked it as it wasn‘t too predictable. Emilia Clarke is great in this and also the rest of the cast did a good job. The music was a bit too much in the background for my taste but Emilia Clarke actually singing the title song in the end made up for it big time.

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I really wanted to watch this because I love both George Michael and Emilia Clarke. It was a good enough enjoyable movie however it lacked a certain spark at times. Something that other Christmas movies have. I can't fully point out what it was because the plot was good with a nice twist (even though halfway through the movie I suspected it was going in that direction) and the characters were fun. Maybe it just lacked depth, I felt like I couldn't connect enough with Kate until the very very very end and by then it was to late.

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Not your typical Christmas romantic comedy. It actually tries to veer away from it every time and usually succeeds. In that sense, it fails to be the Christmas movie you are expecting. Go in knowing this isn't what you expect and try not to get ahead of the movie and you'll have a fun time.

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Shout by It's EVOR

The movie is simple yet effective. Take it as a copy of "The Fault in our Stars". Yet it still works and gives us a punch in the gut when we are made aware of the saddening twist.

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Cash grabbing, shamelessly manipulative, and queasily sentimental. Such is Christmas, and so is Last Christmas. Still, the film as with the holiday, can still raise a smile, cause a lump in the throat, and offer something unexpected. It's not a great film and in no way is it a Christmas classic. But like the Christmas season, it's not completely awful and it can be tolerated.

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Emilia Clarke in a role I didn't hate? Wow, I'm shook. Really cute movie. And it's funny because it's unintentionally the third in a row I watch for Henry Golding. I guess my subconscious is developing a crush. :D

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Im not fan of romance movie but that is a good movie, i was go to cinema to watch for two times

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This movie had the 'feeling' of being a Bridget Jones movie the way it was filmed and the sub-great plot and lame 'jokes'. Emilia Clarke did a great job as the lead actress and was very charming - completely different and unrecognizable from her Dragon chick in Game of Thrones. They did a nice job of weaving George Michael's songs throughout the movie. A twist at the end I didn't see coming made it worth enduring. To be perfectly honest, the Last Chrismas video was better than this though. 6/10

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I was expecting yet another typical rom-com. But half way thru I was kind off expecting a certain twist. And I was wrong. There was a twist, but one I did not see coming. Emilia was very enjoyable to watch. She took command of this character the same way she did of Daenerys.

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A nice heartfelt enough class chick flick with a decent twist that may or may not make you shed tears and perfect for watching it just the one time. suitable for a late Friday night when you're alone and have no plans

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It broke my heart and I can't be happy... but it was beautiful and I'm sad I can't see it again without knowing about it.

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Absolutely loved this movie. So charming and it had the magic. I have not seen a rom-com this charming in a long time.

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Movie felt like just a generic Hallmark movie, so if you're into those sorts of movies, watch it, otherwise it'll just bore you.

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OMG this movie is joke lmaooooooooooo

There was a twist and as soon as it was revealed, I couldn't stop laughing. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS ABSURD KOREAN DRAMA TYPE BULLSHIT


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hmmmm mmm mmmm, fuck this!

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I spent much of Last Christmas wondering if I'd seen it before, when of course I had because it's every dollar store cardboard Christmas display that you set up out of the box and it comes with instructions even if you don't need them because it's all so goddam obvious (and just as funny).

That said, Emilia Clarke is frequently good, Henry Golding is his usual charming self and the film is surprisingly inclusive with its trans and lesbian characters. The real challenge will be in forgiving the ridiculous premise and the literal inspiration for the plot.

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this joins a great list of movies that take famous lyrics to a literal level (done right)

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Your typical feel good xmassy movie, in the same group as 4 weddings & love actually (but not as funny)

Set in a romanticised London and finally the cast isn't predominantly white.

Two annoyances beyond the few forgivable unrealistic parts:
The shop only has wooden doors? C'mon that place would be robbed daily.

The shop was robbed in London, the most camera covered city in the world.-no mention of any.
The same two coppers?

Politics -
makes some good points about refugees /immigrants who struggle to make a living (a quieter subplot)
because of some of our ridiculous licensing requirements. (which might change some people's thoughts)

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A totally predictable holiday rom com. Emilia Clarke is good but Henry Golding is great. Not sure why all the immigration sub plot was put in or what Emma Thompson was doing.

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An interesting premise (thank you, Emma Thompson) but the story was really poorly developed. The first part is chaotic which robs the audience of finding in the characters an emotional centre to which we could relate, then, when we were just beginning to get beneath the tangle that is Kate, the whole movie changes. Fantastic cast: Emilia Clark brought her quirky energy to a fractured character we really wanted to like (no frosty queen of fire and ice here); Henry Golding, tender yet mercurial (and hunky, of course); Michelle Yeoh, always a consummate performer; Emma Thompson, always splendid in her self deprecating, idiosyncratic roles. Eventually, all the performers found some footing, and for that I give the film a 6 (fair) out of 10. Oh, yes, and should I mention that the soundtrack is George Michael and WHAM saturated? Well, I guess I just did! Last Christmas, the song that is at the heart of the film (excerpted five times) is finally performed with great skill by Emilia Clark (what can't she do?). [Holiday RomCom/RomDram]

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Not quite what I was expecting, but it ended on such a wholesome note I can't even complain.

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