Personal Lists featuring...

Le Samouraï 1967


Todo el mejor cine de la historia


Liste des films présents dans le livre et le site Movieland


Filma that I own the Criterion Collection release.


They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (TSPDT) is a modest but growing film resource dedicated to the art of motion picture filmmaking and most specifically to that one particular individual calling the shots from behind the camera - the film director.

This list is based on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films, a list compilated by Bill Georgaris using thousands of best-of/all-time lists.


Before the phrase was ever invented, there was in fact already a "new wave" of directors in France breaking with the traditional modes of production and setting an example that others would follow. Although vastly different in both content and style, the films of directors such as Jean-Pierre Melville, Jean Rouch, Louis Malle and Alexandre Astruc were visionary and innovative. Later these directors became associated with the Nouvelle Vague movement, although some of them, such as Jean-Pierre Melville, rejected the label. After the New Wave became a success, a whole new generation of filmmakers in France were inspired to follow their example. Over 20 directors released their first films in 1959 and this number doubled in the following year. In 1962, a special edition of Cahiers du Cinema was released in which 162 new French Filmmakers were listed. Inevitably many have not stood the test of time, however the best of them went on to have long and enduring careers. What follows are some key films by these directors leading up to, during, and immediately after the Nouvelle Vague period. Source:


Movies (and some tv series/episodes) that are so insanely packed with things and ideas and visuals they become dense in one way or another.

  • Obviously subjective but not precisely my favourite movies.
  • Ordered alphabetically.

  • Suggestions welcomed but I'll have to see them to see if they fit my criteria.


Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. The 1940s and 1950s are generally regarded as the "classic period" of American film noir. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-key, black-and-white visual style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography. Many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Great Depression. Film noir encompasses a range of plots: the central figure may be a private investigator (The Big Sleep), a plainclothes policeman (The Big Heat), an aging boxer (The Set-Up), a hapless grifter (Night and the City), a law-abiding citizen lured into a life of crime (Gun Crazy), or simply a victim of circumstance (D.O.A.). Although film noir was originally associated with American productions, the term has been used to describe films from around the world. Many films released from the 1960s onward share attributes with film noirs of the classical period, and often treat its conventions self-referentially. Some refer to such latter-day works as neo-noir.


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.


During the 2011 /tv/ survey, the 3519 participants were asked to list their five favorite films of all time. 1833 elected to respond, listing a total of 1543 unique films - the top 500 of which are listed below. Votes were calculated on a 5 point system. Each responders number one film choice was given 5 points, with their number two given 4, number three given 3, number four given 2, and number five given 1. The film's total score is then a combination of the number of votes it received and the position it was ranked in their top fives.


The Neo Noir/Modern Noir (Post 1964) lists 91 films made after the 'golden age' of film noir. These films have borrowed from the artistic glories of the past, but also have embellished the film noir landscape with their contrasting modern aesthetics (particularly with the use of colour). We have grouped them by decade, and all are American-produced, except where noted.


Top 250 as voted by IMDb Users

Updatedv1:November 13, 2015 Time 22:02 List Update Ended.


All the movies I have watched from the book 1001 movies


One of the gifts a movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered. Here are more than 300 reconsiderations and appreciations of movies from the distant past to the recent past, all of movies that I consider worthy of being called “great.” / Roger Ebert

