Horror is my favourite genre by far. Here is a collection of my favourite horror, and to a lesser extent thrillers. A list of Movies, TV Series, Shorts, and Miniseries I love, and recommend.

I am very specific about what constitutes a horror movie. Creature movies and sci fi horror will get a seperate list.


The movies our favorite killers star in!


By the start of the 1990s the market for Slashers had dried up and we entered an area of post-modern Slashers, where the genre reflected on itself. When Gus van Sant remade "Psycho" shot per shot we came full circle.

The genre went on life support...

Genre definition: "Definition: A slasher movie is characterized by a villain who is skilled at killing and uses weapons other than firearms to stalk and target a group of young individuals, resulting in a significant number of victims. This villain may be either human or formerly human."

If I missed any movie you think that should be on this list or if you find some obvious mistakes please let me know and I'll make the appropriate adjustments.


that not like Scream (surprise killer on the end)


List with all horror franchises to watch


Each night in October (as well as September 30th) I will attempt to watch a different horror film. Left to right down the list is the order I watched them in.


These Movies connects with Jason vs. Leatherface comic & Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash comic


Don't watch these movies alone in the dark :)
