Shouts about...

Lights Out 2016

most of the horror films that came out don't scare me (just like the classic ones: the ring or the grunge) and i thought i can't be scared more than i was during conjuring but i was wrong i was so wrong
this is one of the best horror films i've seen and if you want to be scared to death and see a nice written story too then i surely recomend

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Shout by Bruhaa

scary. real horror. good story. but end is little bit stupid for me sorry not sorry 7 stars.

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Good movie, horror and some funny scenes.

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Generally I don't care for ghost movies but I liked this one. Much better than I expected.

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Bad horror movie without the horror, avoid there is nothing to see here don't waste your time

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It is a fantastic premise on which to build the scares and the opening scenes and early moments show that all too well. It is a shame then that the framing story is nonsensical and the connection to the family being terrorised poorly developed - the film would have been far better leaving its villain a mysterious threat. It doesn't help that the ground rules and internal logic laid out by the film is often circumvented to fit the needs of the story and the effective and creepy opening setup devolves into standard fare by the final act. It's no surprise to discover this was based on a short - perhaps thats how it should have remained.

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It wasn't the best movie ever but it did keep me in suspense all throughout the movie so I'll give it props for that.
As a lot of other people have mentioned there's a lot missing. Why Diana is doing what she is doing is not really explained at all, which is a big problem.
The acting was pretty good though.
I did enjoy the original short film but the way it turned out as a full lengh movie did not quite reach my expectations.
By no means a bad movie though.

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A very unique twist on a classic horror movie. Unusual plot line but serves a good basis for a story. Worth a watch for horror fans.

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So the audience in the theatre really ruined this film for me. They screamed at parts that weren't all that scary, hyping themselves into being scared. That said, parts of the movie were generally quite frightening, but there was also some comedy mixed in. The pacing was not great--as soon as they discover the threat they kinda go straight into investigating its background, but the movie had a really good ending and some likeable characters. And the CG wasn't that bad either. 6.8/10.

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Another movie with nothing but jump scares. This doesn't even come close to the three minute short that it's based on. It's not scary and the origin of the ghostly "Diana" was incredibly lame. The boy who plays the son is awful but I'm giving an extra half star because Teresa Palmer does a good job of acting terrified.

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The story is a bit messy and doesn't come together.
Especially the connection between Diana and the mother
I liked the darkness mechanism of Diana and the suspens around it.

This isn't the horror movie of the year but it's still pretty enjoyable.

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A good idea, to do a horror movie based on the contrast of light and dark, but very, very poorly executed. I watched this with the lights out, headphones on, all alone at home, and could barely feel a thing. Such wasted potential.

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good concept, just could've been executed better. I thought the short film was great. I watched this because I was hoping for more

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Light's Out is a 2016 horror thriller which as the name suggests is dark, unsettling, and intense. With an 81 minutes runtime, Sandberg loads us with horrific visuals which is definitely going to make you shivery. The entire movie is mindfully shot, sharply edited, and has performances matching the technical aspects. Teresa Palmer and Gabriel Bateman stand out.

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Full Reviews :

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Teresa Palmer favorite actress. Every movie with her is a discovery.

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A solidly tense horror movie. Best enjoyed at a superficial level, as the plot doesn't quite hang together, as others have mentioned. Great cast, who sell the hell out of the plot, such as it is.

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A bit stretched, but it's watchable. The screenwriter could only work better on the origin of the antagonist.

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Predictable. It's curious because is focused in the fear of darkness, but it just frighten with heavy noisy moments. Mediocre cast except of the mother.

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One of the movies where I was afraid while watching it. In general the story and how the people behaved after having encountered this evil spirit is weird (as with every horror movie), but the story in general is interesting enough. The horror scenes were well made and sometimes actually scared me, even though I knew what would happen.

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30 minutes in and I'm writing this ... bored, will watch to the end just to punish myself for watching it this far.

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I think this film gets its porpoise, it's not as original as I expected considering the short it is based, the "final scene" is not its best, maybe another horror movie

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Amazing debut from David Sandberg!! There is another genious for horror movies. Thanks James Wan!

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To me it was an okay-ish horror movie. They could've put more thoughts into the background story, but overall it was entertaining and had a few really creepy moments. A few people didn't seem to like the ending - to me it was only logical and I liked it. Going to bed with a night light now.. ;)

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After watching a lot of horror movies, they don't really scare me so much anymore. Neither did this one.... until after the movie when I got home. I went to take out clothes from washing machine in the middle of a night. And when I turned on the light it flickers a little, and I got cold shiver through my spine. And after I'm done with the clothes I had to walk through dark rooms to get to my room, and it always felt like there is going to be someone behind me or there would be a hand that would touch me....
So it was a good movie, especially if you are afraid of the dark. I can promise you this movie won't make it better. It will creep in to you subconscious when it is dark and you are aline. And the ending was kinda unexpected and "real". So I would recommend thsi move, to anyone who likes horror movies.

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Shout by HorrorFanGirl666

probably one of the scariest movies I have seen to date!

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More suspenseful / thrilling than horror. Not many horror aspects. Once you learned the story, then everything fell through horror wise but the suspenseful parts kept me on the seat until the end. Couldn’t been so much better but don’t expect much if you want to see a horror movie. Still worth a watch if you are bored.

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This was done really well. It had a lot of good scenes that will make you jump. I’m looking forward to watching part 2 next.

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Produced by master of horror James Wan, Lights Out is a terrifying thriller that preys on our primal fear of the dark. The story follows a young woman named Rebecca who attempts to rescue her brother from their mother when she goes off her medication and becomes schizophrenic, talking to an imaginary friend who lives in the dark; but when Rebecca is attacked in her apartment she begins to suspect that her mother’s friend may be real. Teresa Palmer gives an impressive performance, and director David F. Sandberg does an excellent job at building tension and suspense. The cinematography is also especially good, effectively making use of light, shadow, and darkness. Delivering some intense and frightening scares, Lights Out is a well-crafted horror film.

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Not bad really! Short, concise, straight to the point. nothing fancy. Gives you enough story.

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Streamed via Hulu

Another forgettable mainly jumpscares horror film that has a cool concept but feels terribly hollow. It doesn't do anything more than any garbage mainstream horror films and it feels so cheap with horrible acting, corny dialogues and terrible editing. Rebecca and the kid performance is laughable. The ghost backstory doesn't make any sense. How they handle the monster thing which in this case is an allegory for mental illness is problematic. There are many excellent horror films that explore mental illness.

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Shout by Deleted

The movie was okay but not scary or frightened no thrilling also

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Shout by Deleted

Needed to be longer. There are many questions and no answers. I feel that this movie would have been perfect with more development! I loved how soon everything kicked off but at the same time it felt rushed and too sudden which again would have been fine had there been more development with the backstory and characters. I love a great movie where we get a ton of information that we can piece together little by little throughout the story and arrive the the "big picture" at the end. And speaking of the end, I actually enjoyed it, I expected it to happen but didn't expect it to happen the way it did. It did make me a bit emotional as I understand depression and how the mind can be too much to deal with at times. So for me it was a good watch!

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Pretty good... And it probably won't scare you too much but I would like to see some of the people who watched this turning the lights out now for a while.

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The movie trailer gave away all the jump scares sigh. Do not watch the trailer before watching this movie.

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Well.. i didn't turn the lights out on this one, it hooked me, it wasn't a bad horror.. was a little rush on the story thought.. i wasn't scared.. never am.. horrors are getting more predictable.. but it was funny to see my friend lizzie.. shit herself through the whole film.. ha

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Shout by Deleted

well, good movie, really scary, but the story just won't get with the movie style, I give a 7/10 rate, but almost because of the scary parts

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does not make you waste time, entertains and well, a student of James Wan

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An interesting idea from a short film has been given the hollywood treatment but thankfully stays faithful to the spirit of the original. I liked the flashbacks and the use of sound effects to keep things scary. Overall, the acting was solid as was the first time directing for the same maker of the short film. It ticked all the usual horror film boxes, but didn't ruin them. Well done to all involved for keeping it short, simple and to the point. Go see it, you wan't be disappointed. 6.5/10

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Shadows in Lights Out
will surround you in the night
One must fight with light


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Shout by Zjinn
BlockedParent2017-03-06T15:02:49Z— updated 2017-06-08T18:50:30Z

Could be better, nice movie to watch if you're bored. It's not really scary, but still manages to keep you on the edge somehow.

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Teresa Palmer is soooo beautiful

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I saw it a few days ago and I don't think it's that scary, but it's entertaining and some parts are (unintentionally?) funny.

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Yet another film that relies on heavy blasts of music to scare the audience. Good performances are lost in a tale that is ultimately predictable and cliched. Review out.

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This movie was okay, it wasn't too frightening to me.

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Shout by Deleted

Could have been a really great movie, but it was really predictable

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