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Like Stars on Earth 2007

What an impressive movie: so many touching scenes and beautiful details.
I usually don't look Bollywood-movies, but this one is going for the top!

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By now, I know that most Bollywood-movies aren’t for me. This one is no different. It’s not the worst by a long shot, but there’s no point in it being over 2,5 hours. That’s just insane for something with this plot. It’s such a straightforward and unsurprising story, which is a shame, because the overall message is not bad at all.

I know that the kid’s behavior isn’t his fault entirely, but I still found him super annoying. They took his issues a bit too far, I think. It’s not fun to watch some kid struggle with absolutely everything for almost two hours. By the halfway point I had seen enough of his brooding little face.

The rest of the movie gets a bit better with some inspirational scenes and dialogue, but not even Khan’s solid performance could fix my initial irritation.

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This one is great, it has a beautiful cinematography and also an important message (specially to those who wants to work with pedagogy), this movie should be shared to everyone who likes or wants children.
The first act is boring comparing with the rest of the movie, but the only thing that really bothered me were the musics (not the lyrics, because they express well what the characters were feeling), but why do they have to be so long? Looked like a lot of clips in the movie.

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Again Amir Khan doesn't disappoint :heart:
lovely movie
My rating is 8.5

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Aamir Khan is doing his thing again and showing one of the most common problems which is "Every child is special". Expectation of society and the family as well is too high for children. When it is a sentence, every one can say that easily but showing it in a movie, and impressing the audience is not that much easy. In the first half, I think the movie lets you to see from the family's eye. After Aamir's coming, your feelings are evolving with him which is the most important thing for this kind of movies.

The best quotes:
-On the Solomon islands, when the tribes need to clear the jungle to make way for fields, they don't cut down the trees , they simply gather and collect around it, and hurl abuses at the tree, they curse it. Slowly but surely, after some days, the trees begin to wither. It dies on its own.

-Life is really not about getting the top grades and competing with others, don't try stretching all the fingers; they might break! Sometimes in life, it is healhty to be slow and dumb.

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The first hour is a real challenge, but don't let that stop you. My favorite part was the scene between father and teacher, about what "caring" really means.

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I watched it for the first time when I was 11 !

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This movie is so moving and thoughtful

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