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Lingering 2020

This here is not a typical horror movie, its a much rarer type. Creepy, disturbing feeling throughout the whole movie, strange people. It's well made and acted and you get a slow but steady feeling of dread and family drama. From the atmosphere its more like David Lynch way. Not a horror with demons and monsters and all that fun but a slow paced, very creepy sinister atmospheric movie- a welcoming change!

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Hotel Lake, renamed Lingering, is featuring on Shudder currently. This is a movie about Yoomi, who is reaching out to her deceased mother's friend to look after her half sister Jiyoo. Jiyoo is unruly and disobedient and had an implied history of abuse from her father, who abandoned her, after the death of her mother. The story unravels very slowly across the hour and 40 minutes with elements seemingly randomly thrown in to shake it up.

I liked the gory segments and the uncomfortable atmosphere but that's as far as it goes. The characters are not very well developed and there is even one additional psychic character that appears in one scene and then leaves. I felt like that added absolutely NOTHING to the movie, it was so unnecessary.

The pacing is all over the place and once we get to the final climax it was already very obvious and not a twist. I didn't feel like there was any cohesion between the supernatural element and the real world element of the film. The ghosts just dont make sense.

Do not watch.

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