Shouts about...

Liquid Sky 1982

Very weird, very punk experimental film about aliens that feed off of orgasms. If you can get past the low budget nature of it, there's quite a bit to dissect in it. Dealing with themes of female repression and the links between sex and drugs. It's a gonzo movie you're not soon to forget.

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Aliens seek opiates while mastering the Kundalini with the help of a model seeking freedom through power and a sense of being desired. In a world where Andy Warhol and Tim Burton argue over fashion sense while Danny Elfman and the Slow Poisoner sway to the tunes behind them. What else is there to do? Let's go dancing.

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Liquid Sky was never going to win any Oscars. It's overly pretentious , lots of hammy acting and a runtime about 40 minutes too long but it does have a pretty cool atmosphere to it that kept me watching until the end where you are rewarded with a scene that David Lynch no doubt was influenced by. Some stunning footage of early 80's New York City before gentrification polluted it. i'd give it a 7 for the movie and a 10 for experimentation. A unique little time capsule of a movie

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This is definitely unique. Not always in a good way, but I’m glad it exists.

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Shout by Chris

“Liquid sky, the key to heaven, the milk of paradise.”
- Paul
Interesting Russian made movie shot in New York. Little sweet Alice went from demon child to drug pusher.
:alien: :dancer: :flying_saucer:

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Shout by Deleted

"Heroin baby"

...and UFOs!

One of the most intoxicated, but unique viewing experiences I've had in awhile. You don't see a lot of these type of movies very much. I mean, the energy and the hidden message to it all really makes it something.

Dat soundtrack thou. The music is similar to "I feel fantastic" video with the mannequin.

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A junkie artists pretentious wet dream.

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If you get past the copious sexual violence against the main protagonist, why, it's rather entertaining. That rape-y stuff sure does get in the way tho.
*me and my rhythm boooxxxx!!"

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I was bored beyond words watching this movie.

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