Like the candy grandma kept in a drawer and tried to guilt you into eating when you visited her: stale, bland, and unhealthy.

Warning - Rant Alert: Not only is this a shit film, it's a dangerous film and is responsible for killing cinema. I had to sit and listen to parents fake laugh so their toddlers would know when the jokes were because the humor in this film is all based on sentimental reminisce that will float like old lace over a modern tyke's head.

So, the jokes were maudlin but the plot was insipid which meant the parents couldn't enjoy the film because it was too childish and the kids couldn't enjoy the humor because it was too mature.

The worst part is, this bundle of musty clichés will put children -- the cinema goers of tomorrow -- off cinema totally in favor of flashy cartoons on streaming services they can watch at home. When the kids of today grow up to say they prefer to watch movies at home, this abomination is the reason why.

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