Personal Lists featuring...

Lone Wolf McQuade 1983


80's and 90's action movies with the biggest names of the day


Who doesn't love some good ol' martial arts?!?! First, I'd like to start off by saying some of the older movies I have on this list have horrible acting. However, despite the bad acting, I think the martial arts were very good for it's time. So, I'm forewarning you, don't watch the movie thinking you're gonna see stellar acting! From Bruce Lee - Angela Mao - Jet Lee, I love them all! Even Jim Kelly, with his corny butt. Feel free to browse through my collection and ignite your memories. competition


Movies filtered by All Chuck Norris Movies


A list of every film mentioned in the documentary In Search of the Last Action Heroes.

List by hotsake


One man's journey to watch 3650 movies of the 80s


Movies I see fit to own on glorious VHS.


A collection of Western films, themes and cowboy related titles.
