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Looking: The Movie 2016

I'm wondering if this utter sense of denial ever wears off.
No, that's not the end. Never. Waiting for closure 2.0.

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omg that was so perfect, it should have more seasons, why such good shows like this one have to end so soon? i'm so mad, that end, i just wanna sit and cry right now :(

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That was a really nice way to end this series. I was torned untill the last minute about who should Patrick end with, I think that was something the show always did great. At the end, he stayed with the one he 'loved', and not the one he 'thought' he love, so it was the right choice.
I would have liked for Dom to end up with Lynn, but is good to have a character ending up single for a change, right?. Plus, he did get success with his biz, that was the goal in his storyline.
All in all, great finale, gonna miss the show, wish it could have lasted a little bit longer.

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the series finale was good, but I was expecting more.

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I was super sad when the show got cancelled, but this movie brought back the joy. I loved the characters since the very first minute, I cannot be happier with the ending, Richie and Patrick were meant to be together since their first date. Thanks HBO for the series (but we deserved a few seasons more!)

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I loved Richie for Patrick from the beginning. I am so happy they ended up together and I want to think that they did work things out, Patty is not freaking out and they have a wonderful time together.

I hate Kevin. That smug face of his just ugh, wasn't right for my boy Patty. Nope.

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It was a good wrap-it-all movie. But, it lacks the impact of every single one of the episodes of the series. But at the end, it was all good; how things were supposed to be.

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you quit, you run away. you don't take risks, ever!

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A bit underwhelming and a shame that they decided to still keep it in open ending.
Rather nice to see all the characters return though. It is kind of a happy peppy movie where everything is fine, so not judging too much.

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I met Tovey last week and when I asked him how the show ends he told me "evryone's die". That funny bastard!
Anyway, the ending was bit predictable, but the power of the shows is the director himself: is not the story he tells but the way he does. I think he should focus more on movie than series, as he can tell much more in 1h e 45m with two characters than 18 episodes of a show and a bunch of pgs, this movie is a good proof.
Groff is amazing, he put a lot of effort to do this movie (and the serie in general), litterally an Oscar's performance. Actually everyone was really good, and still, I think is director's merit. There are few characters I've never liked tho, that simply don't work in the show, like they are there to fill the show with something else.
Anyway, I super love the fifth episode of the first season, I wish it was all like that, the second season was boring and in a way I'm glad it ended.

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Didn't know this exist! I need more.

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and this is a movie? look like a regular episode, crappy ending.

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my heart broke after watching this. that kiss with kevin

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ah memories. patrick ended up with who i wanted and nothing makes me happier than that, he deserves love and happiness

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