Personal Lists featuring...

Looper 2012



From podcast miniseries aP: Timelapse. Dan and Mischa talk about some of their favorite time travel movies and how they've influenced aP.


From the gut-wrenching, step-by-step chronology of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad to seafaring cultists practicing Scientology-like rituals in the wake of World War II to the 16th president twisting arms over the passing of the 13th Amendment, the best films of 2012 brought history to life with an extraordinary scrupulousness that still left room for vivid artistic expression. But searching for patterns in a best-of list like the one below does little justice to the films’ diversity and unruliness, and the many wondrous places movies took viewers this year, including the haunted landscapes of Turkey (Once Upon A Time In Anatolia) and Georgia (The Loneliest Planet), revitalized twists on the slasher (The Cabin In The Woods) and noir (Killer Joe) genres, and two vastly different takes on what love really means (Amour, The Deep Blue Sea). Unlike in past years, nearly all films were available to see before press time, with one conspicuous exception: Most of The A.V. Club’s film reviewers weren’t able to see Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained, which might have found a place on the list. (Nathan Rabin did include it on his Top 15.) The Billy Crystal/Bette Midler movie Parental Guidance also wasn’t screened in time, so consider that our invisible #21. For your consideration…


There is also:


Since I've never seen that many "current" releases from a year (probably a bit more than 100) I thought myself why not make a top 20. These are not supposed to be the "best" films but the ones that entertained me the most.

I still have some titles to check of my 2012 list but theese will have to wait a little longer :).


movies that have yet to have a 4k release


52 movies I would like to see in 2020


Filmes e séries com muita troca de tiros, espionagem, explosões e bandidos correndo.


All the movies I've seen in cinema during 2012 (20)
