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Love Lies Bleeding 2024

What an incredible script, very well structured. A story that grips you from start to finish, very tense and very well done. The performances are magnificent and the connection between the characters makes everything so much more exciting to watch. In addition to these aspects, the movie is set in the 80s, which gives everything a special touch.

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Marvel outdid itself with this reboot of She Hulk.

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A lot of moments that had me at the edge of my seat. Also a bunch of wtf moments that made me laugh out loud. Still, I have to respect any movie that goes this hard.

Other thoughts:
- Why did no one tell me this was body horror
- Dave Franco is doing a great job slipping right into his brother's shoes
- Ed Harris is fucking terrifying
- Put Anna Baryshnikov in every movie please
- Would make a great double feature with Drive-Away Dolls

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Saint Maude and now Love Lies Bleeding? Rose Glass got the juice! I’m gonna watch anything she does from here till the end.

This movie was an experience. I love the vibe, two souls with a lightning connection that just create chaos around them. This is going to be re-watched again and again.

That touch of horror with the bad acid/steroid trip was beautifully executed.

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This was what I wanted Drive Away Dolls to be, a much stronger film with a much more balanced take between the romance and crime elements.

The score and sound design is awesome, some greally strong perfomances almost across the board, two leads are phenominal and Ed Harris is nuts, The style and visuals are on point, reminded me of The Holdovers not in content, but just in the same nostalgia vibes from the 70's/80's without being nothing more than cheap nostalgia bait. There is a universe where this movie could have been a cheap notalgia bait movie, but Rose Glass made a story and characters that were interesting and compelling.

I think it will be forgotten by the time awards season rolls aroud, but Clint Mansell really did deliever a great score and I'd love to see his name pop up at the end of the year.

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I loved the atomosphere of this movie. It feels dirty in every regard. The violence is shocking and that kept me on the edge of my seat. Kristen Stewart has come an extremely long way with her acting abilities. Thought she was fantastic as Lou. The rest of the cast are also great. The score was noticeable and makes me want to give it a relisten. My holdup and only problem with the movie is the ending. I didn’t really like the stylistic choices that were made here and this isn’t a movie that gives a lot of closure. I am going to see when it comes out digitally that on a second viewing the movie will jive better with me.

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Mildly amusing but ultimately empty.

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Shout by Faster, Film Critic!
BlockedParent2024-03-17T18:05:01Z— updated 2024-03-21T03:08:44Z

Love Lies Bleeding both exceeded my expectations and left me disappointed. The film is good, but some unusual directional decisions prevent it from being truly great. I love the vibe, the characters, and the soundtrack. It's a violent erotic thriller that could've been even bigger had it kept its feet on the ground.

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I can't wait to see this, it looks amazing. :heart_eyes:

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Sex at the beginning and bizarre at the end. No need to say anything else. I just wish I hadn’t stayed for the whole show hoping it would be worth my time. I give this a 4 (poor) out of 10.

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I am absessed.

What a crazy, brutal and heartbreaking ride. Still very wholesome. Not sure If I ever saw a movie where I wished more for a happy ending than this one. Totally surprised me with everything they did. Kristen and Katy are amazing! Also, the soundtrack

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With all the talk of the sex in this movie I was surprised it isn’t a porno. I like that it got weird just wish it was weirder

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The grit, the gore, the glory, the genes, the galore, the gains, the gasps, and the griddy. Filled to the brim with burning tension and hypnotic editing. The acting was insane, the story was insane, the soundtrack was insane, and everything just got really insane. Just like 'Black Swan', this movie starts unravelling when you least expect it, and it doesn't stop. There's a whole lot of analysing to do, I figured out a few of the messages it threw, but I still have no idea on half of it. The score put me in a trace when nothing was happening. My eyes and ears were stuck.

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this is bound (1996)'s weird and creepy sister. loved it

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Great performances by the two leads, especially Katy O'Brian.

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Like opening the bedroom door and finding your hot neighbor beating an asshole to death: Love Lies Bleeding is full of punch, blood, and heart.

A good old-fashioned noir thriller made with some decidedly new-fashioned fuuuuck.

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She is finally in some movie.

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[Filmin] A surprising story that unfolds between the 80s aesthetic and the not-so-subtle but very powerful interpretation of the conflicts posed by patriarchal violence. Like Thelma and Louise with testosterone, the protagonists find themselves on that path of confrontation with that masculine side of domestic violence and toxic fatherhood. And it has the ability to always invent a different and unexpected path in which you never know how the characters will react, what wrong decisions they will make to fall off the cliff.

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Had me hooked but what a very, very, very bizarre film…

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The aesthetic of this film really works for me. It is a neo-noir A24 film that feels a bunch like "Under the Silver Lake" but less wacky and a bit more violent. Kristen Stewart was great and I can confidently say I will be watching this one again!

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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Very surprised that a lot of people loved this movie. I didn't care for the relationship because it felt too rush & unrealistic to me. She went through all that trouble for some girl she didn't know for long. A24 always come through with the visuals and aesthetic. If you like crime drama this movie is for you. Personally, it's a forgettable movie.


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I liked this, it had a really crazy ending like nicotine but it was good

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It’s Nicolas Winding Refn without the Nicolas Winding Refn.

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I thought this movie was really good. I would’ve given it a higher score but it faltered a bit in the final act. Still, it was a satisfying watch.

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Felt authentic to its theme. The ending was like wtf but okay I guess. Not something I would ever rewatch but it was a good time killer.

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I was on board with everything except the overly stylized moments. They weren't enough to ruin the experience, but I would be more likely to recommend the movie without them. The story is compelling, the character dynamics are unique, and the performances are excellent.

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I was looking forward to this ever since I saw the first trailer. Love Kristen and she was perfect for this role. The first half had me intrigued. Not a big fan of the heavy lesbian sex scenes and how untended all the characters looked. The only character that looked like she’d been close to a shower lately was Katy O'Brian. The story was extremely gritty and I thought this was going to be a classic. However, close to the end it got ridiculous and especially the ending itself was just too weird and lost my interest. I ended up wishing I hadn’t watched it. I’ve watched many movies with deeper meaning and spaced out scenes which were fitting and added to the story and vision as a whole. This scene however destroyed a Movie that I was hoping would at least have a good ending.

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Not bad at all.

Some of the things it's trying to do kind of fall flat and end up being confusing (I don't even know what to make of the supernatural elements), but it's a pretty stylish and interesting watch.

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The scene of them running through the clouds gave me a weird Twilight flashback.

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OMG what was that giant and cloud running

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It started out benign enough and just got weirder from there. But it was still a good time.

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Not one single, positive male character, again.

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Well that was one hell of a KStew lesbian fever dream. Not that I mind in the slightest.

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A bright and bloody story about a flash of love between girls on the scale of an unknown American town. Where sheriffs and bandits in one team run local affairs, and everyone else can either work for them or die. Or run away? The Coens will like it, novo-noir without a protagonist, the otherness of feelings here drives the plot perfectly, as does bodybuilding and the 80s vibe

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This film confounded me a little bit. I can't say that I loved anything about it, but it still held my attention right to the end. It was never predictable and - while it reminded me of several other films - it still felt authentic.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Lesbian Point Break. Unfortunately another film this year that looked far better in the trailer. Despite some great moments from the cast this overall just did very little for me.

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The movie wasn’t great but it was at least watchable until the last 5 minutes of it. They ruined the whole film with the ending.

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So they died? That’s what it’s looking like. Don’t try to art me. Ambiguous ass endings but the troupe was still there. The gays are buried.

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What the end like the bullshit ?
what the situation of the girl on the fighting?

I guess is it a fantasy story …

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What could've been an excellent movie got completely botched by the ending. Like a turd on top of a cake. Who in the hell came up with that. I couldn't make it worse if i tried.

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the end is disappointing. omg

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Would've been the perfect movie if it had more violence.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 5

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If you told me this movie was made in the 70s, I'd mostly believe you. The soundtrack, the cinematography, the camera placement and editing all works so well. It all fits. Interesting story, a little odd at times. Maybe a little too much nudity. But overall, nostalgic of a time when I watched older films.

This is not just a film for the lesbians/bisexuals. There is enough for even the straight man to enjoy.

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