Shouts about...

Loving 2016

This is just simply beatiful.
Their love was inspiring.
What a tragic final for Richard. So unfair.
At least he could keep his promise of build the house and take care of his family.
Thank you for this story.

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I watched this because Ruth Negga is nominated for an Oscar for this role, otherwise the movie may have slipped my attention, and that would have been a loss. This was a great movie, with great acting and an important story. The era that these people lived in, and the brutality that was ever present for people who were making the decision they made was ever a potential, and the film makers used this effectively as an ever present tension in their storytelling. This soft-spoken, non-political couple changed history. I give it a 9 (superb) out of 10. And Ruth Negga is a worthy nominee, in a tight race for her category.

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A quiet and dignified film with an appropriately slow pace given how long it took their landmark case to be heard and decided by the supreme court.

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An important story to tell, even if it was a bit like watching paint dry. Lots of protracted scenes without dialog against a lullaby soundtrack.

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Despite the heart wrenching subject matter, the film didn't stir my emotions as much as it should. Still, it is a story that deserved to be brought to the screen, even if it falls short occasionally in its telling.

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Easily Nichols' weakest movie to date. The story was an important one to tell, but maybe not an interesting enough one to allow for entertaining cinema.

The movie felt overlong and uneventful and, although I think that's what Nichols was trying to go for, excessively subdued. The main characters' passivity, expecially Richard Loving's, in my opinion downplayed in the eyes of the viewer the gravity of the whole situation.

The main stong points are the Negga's and Edgerton's exceptional performances, and a few deeply moving human moments.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm always interested to see what Jeff Nichols does, but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed with it. The performances are great, but everything is so emotionless for how powerful the story is and in the end it winds up being dull. The movie is well directed and well shot but the script is so flat that you can't help but feel bored with this movie. It obviously intended to paint the Lovings as normal people but there needed to be some drama.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2017-02-04T19:34:14Z— updated 2017-03-11T18:32:39Z

Very disappointed. Was expecting a compelling and emotional story, instead i got a painfully mundane, bland and repetitive plot with two actors that looked like they were being held at gunpoint and forced to act.

The trailers make you think that you're going into a Romeo and Juliet type story with two people from completely different factions breaking the rules and going against all odds to be with one another. But in reality it is nothing like that. The main characters are never truly segregated and are allowed to get married, live with each other and have as many kids as they want. The opposition they do face is minuscule, so minuscule that the main characters never need to stand up for themselves and simply go about their lives while their lawyers sort everything out for them behind the scenes.

This was not a story that deserved an entire movie, at all.

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An important story, sadly told with interminable slowness and dullness...

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When he said : "Tell the judge i love my wife " i couldn't stop crying

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