Per blu-ray.com

UPDATED 6/17/24 (Page 176)


This is my own ranked and ordered list of the best/dankest anime that I've watched so far in my illustrious Chinese-cartoons-watching-career. If it's in the Top 50 (make it even Top 100), you better watch it ASAP because well... I do have phenomenal taste ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
More in-depth list is over at MAL http://myanimelist.net/profile/dankzel


This is a comprehensive list of Studio Ghibli related people and their work, with some personal notes
besides the expected movies, it contains some older work by Miyazaki and Takahata from before Studio Ghibli's formation in 1985 (Yes, Nausicaä is actually not a Studio Ghibli Movie). Including Miyazaki's and Takahata's directorial debuts Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro and The Little Norse Prince as well as some well-known World Masterpiece Theater TV Series directed by them.

Extra stuff:
A top-notch analysis about what makes Miyazaki's movies so special:
Hayao Miyazaki - The Essence of Humanity by Channel Criswell

About Miyazaki's scene composition:
How Hayao Miyazaki Maps A Setting by Digibro

A retrospective of Japanese animation:
Miyazaki, Lineage, and Depth by Pause and Select

Have fun watching


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


Thanks to all who’ve made this a very popular list, in spite of glitches causing dozens of fans to suddenly disappear :(

A big welcome to the land of cinematic wonders!

I’ve aimed for a rounded overview to include not only personal favourites but popular hits and international award winners, animé landmarks, avant-
garde films, the New Wave, erotic “pink films” and the great classics that are still the glory of world cinema.

Much of silent cinema before the 1930s has been lost, its Benshi narrators displaced but good finally to have the landmark film Souls on the Road on Mubi. In the 20s directors were able to learn their trade through prolific practice, aware of and encorporating developments in both the Soviet Union and the West… and then, what a wealth of wonders! Older masters: the unequalled aesthetic refinement of Mizoguchi, the charm of Shimizu, the quiet observational wisdom of Ozu, the tragically curtailed promise of Yamanaka, the balanced restraint of Naruse, the muscular humanism of Kurosawa… Then, a new generation from the late 50s, in full swing in the sexually freer 60s: the idealism of Kobayashi, the political bite of Oshima, the earthy subversion of Imamura, the cool of Suzuki and Masumura. the avant-garde Terayama.. So many to explore: Yoshida, Ichikawa Kon, Teshigahara, Shinoda, Wakamatsu, Kumai, the documentaries of Ogawa and Hara, the stop motion master Kawamoto, the blood soaked Fukasaku.. the rise of animé, with the international success of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki’s beautiful flights of fancy, the spiky Tsukamoto, the popular appeal of Kitano, the prolific shocker Miike.. up to the present with Koreeda, Naomi Kawase, Sono, Kurosawa Kiyoshi… oh and i almost went without mentioning Samurai and Godzilla.

Source: http://mubi.com/lists/kenjis-japanese-canon

Missing on TMDB as of now:
ID: tt0242845, Title: Narita: The Peasants of the Second Fortress, Year: -


A list of little over 100 Japanese, Chinese and Korean animated movies


From the revered classics of Akira Kurosawa, to the modern marvels of Takeshi Kitano, the films that have emerged from Japan represent a national cinema that has gained worldwide admiration and appreciation. The Directory of World Cinema: Japan provides an insight into the cinema of Japan through reviews of significant titles and case studies of leading directors, alongside explorations of the cultural and industrial origins of key genres. The directory aims to play a part in the distribution of academic output by building a forum for the study of film from a disciplined theoretical base.

This is in the form of an A-Z of reviews, longer essays and research resources. The cinematic lineage of samurai warriors, yakuza enforcers and atomic monsters are discussed in addition to the politically charged works of the Japanese New Wave, making this a truly comprehensive volume.

The list is based on the contents of the Book, sorted by chapters:

  • Film of the Year
  • Alternative Japan
  • Anime / Animation
  • Chambara / Samurai Cinema
  • Contemporary Blockbusters
  • Jidaigeki & Gendaigeki / Period & Contemporary
  • J-Horror / Japanese Horror
  • Kaiju Eiga / Monster Movies
  • Nuberu Bagu / The Japanese New Wave
  • Pinku Eiga / Pink Films
  • Yakuza / Gangster

More information on this is also aviable on http://worldcinemadirectory.co.uk/!

List for the 2nd edition: http://trakt.tv/users/sp1ti/lists/directory-of-world-cinema-japan-2


Establishing the best anime movies can be tricky. After all, despite now being one of the most ubiquitous cultural properties of the 21st century, anime, thanks to over a century’s worth of the medium’s evolution and reinvention, is especially difficult to define. From the five-minute shorts of Oten Shimokawa in 1917, to the feature-length animations produced during World War II, to the pioneering production cycles of Tezuka in the ’60s and the auteurist innovations of the likes of Miyazaki and many others towards the latter half of the last century, anime has morphed through countless phases. Amateur efforts, nationalist propaganda fodder, niche cultural export turned eventual global phenomenon: Each iteration conforms to the shape of the times in which it was produced. Television expanded the medium during the 1960s, birthing many of the essential genres and subgenres that we know today and forming the impetus for the anime industry’s inextricable relationship to advertising and merchandising from the 1970s onward. The arrival of home video catapulted anime to its commercial and aesthetic apex, fanning outward from island nation of Nippon to the far shores of North America and back, before again being revolutionized by the unprecedented accessibility of the world wide web throughout the ’90s and early aughts. Anime film owes much to the evolving means of production and distribution throughout the late 20th century, the breadth and audacity of the medium’s content widening and contracting along with its running time to cater to the emerging palettes of audiences both new and old, at home and abroad. But where does one begin to tackle the aesthetic and historical precedent that anime film has left on pop culture and global entertainment in the last century?

This list is an attempt to do just that: to create a primer of 100 of the most influential and essential films that Japanese animation has produced, and to offer a thorough aesthetic, technical and historical breakdown of why these film matter. With that aim in mind, Paste is proud to enlist the curatorial talents of Jason DeMarco, on-air creative director of Adult Swim and co-creator of Toonami, whose unique role in anime’s emerging popularity in the West has helped to hone this list. Given the shared evolution between anime film and television and the aforementioned significance of the home video revolution, this list includes not only traditional features but also original video animations made for home video (OVAs) and anthology films— with the stipulation of each entry having at some point premiered in theaters. It is our hope that in creating this list we have created an entry point for both the expert and the layperson to trace the rich history of anime’s legacy on both film and popular culture, and to offer newcomers a comprehensive guide through to learn, rediscover, and explore the fullness that the genre of Japanese animation has to offer now and into the future.

Source: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2017/01/the-100-best-anime-movies-of-all-time.html?a=1


Items to be updated. Please don't like the list. It's just for use with a script as I'm still too lazy to implement the auth just for this. Thank you.


The ultimate collection of anime movies!

I don't update this often so if you want something added please leave a comment.

For use in Plex-Meta-Manager:


After doing Top 10's for many years, the Japanese magazine Kinema Junpo released a list of their Top 200 Japanese movies in 2009.

Source: http://www.kinejun.jp/special/90alltimebest/index.html

For those interested, here are many of the individual years Top 10s:


World-famous animators pick the best animated movies, including Disney and Pixar movies, cult movies, anime and more

Timeout's list of 100 greatest animated movies. Available at: http://timeout.com/newyork/film/the-100-best-animated-movies'


:popcorn: :jp:
Updated Jan 2022
Top Japanese Movies manually curated based on:
- cinemaescapist.com
- asianmoviepulse.com
- letterbox.com
- bfi.org.uk
- kinejun.jp


The newest and dopest animated movies that catch my eye


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/galacticboy/best-anime
Updated at 2024-06-19 13:52:28


The top 100 Japanese movies of all time as chosen by the Kinema Junpo magazine.


Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20120330015712/http://www.kinejun.jp/special/90alltimebest/index.html


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: FiltersCertifications: g, r, nr, pg, pg-13
Countries: cn, cn, jp, gb, us, gb
Genres: anime
Min rating: 65
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 0
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2025
