Shouts about...

Mad Max 2 1981


Shout by Deleted

AWESOME. If people didn't like the first one, why do they even bother to watch the second? I really liked this sequel and I DO understand the hype about this franchise. And Max is actually one of the best Mel Gibson's characters ever.

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When do we go for a ride?

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One of the trashiest plots, some of the cheesiest lines combined with outfits, weapons and special effects that are just laughable in my opinion make this one of the worst movies I know...

Why the "Mad Max" franchise and especially this second part are hyped that much I just cannot understand. Even Mel Gibson's performance is poor!

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"The Road Warrior" is a great action movie. The thing I appreciate about it the most is the way that we actually get to SEE the action. So many newly released films are edited with such quick cutting and flashing away to different scenes that I never can get a sense of where and what and to whom something is happening. For example there is a sequence where the director lets the camera follow the bad guys as they climb like ants on Max's tanker. There are also a number of lesser action scenes that setup the lengthy ending chase by familiarizing the viewer with the vehicle and weapons of choice of the baddies. Mel Gibson is also great as he plays the mentally scarred hero with just a touch of humor that's put to good use in his interaction with the Gyro Captain. The thing that keeps me from rating this as excellent is the relatively boring "good guys" (other than Max and the Gyro Captain). I don't know how they managed to hold the refinery for longer than an hour.

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Not has good as the first time around and nothing on the first film, just didn’t have same vibe and did feel draggy and not much happen.

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In a world where there is a gasoline shortage and all everyone does it search for gas, how does no one ever run out? Driving large machines and not exactly being fuel efficient you would think at least once.

I just don't understand the love for this franchise.

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it truly was a terrible movie, i dont understand how this got a higher score than the first movie (which was great) there were so many plot holes. It really wouldn't have made a difference if max was part of the movie or not. The script was very poorly written and there was no chemistry between the characters. The whole movie was dull and lifeless and a huge disappointment compared to the first movie.

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not a rat in sight

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A sequel better than it's predecessor. A satisfying, fast-paced plot along with an engaging premise and intense action sequences makes this a thoroughly entertaining watch.

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It just occured to me: The Humungus and Toecutter died similar deaths. Both drove towards the front side of a moving truck. The only difference is that one did it accidently (Toecutter) and the other (Humungus) on purpose. I honestly don't know which is stupider and more lackluster.

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It won’t be long before this becomes a ‘How To’ survival guide - there’s loads of valuable tips for when the shit really hits the fan.

Always store a weapon underneath your car :knife:

You can survive on dog food :dog2:

Avoid (or kill) maniacs on motorbikes :motorcycle:

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It belongs to a select list of films where a sequel outdoes the predecessor. Max Max 2 is better than the first in every way and stands out on its own as an exceptional action film.

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Great movie. Just watched it for the first time. Amazing how much inspiration the Fallout series took from this flick.

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Sound and image 3.5 / 5. The best of the series, has no lost over time

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C c c c c 陆地版未来水世界

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Not the first time I've watched this one; definitely better than the original Mad Max , in my own opinion just because it felt like there was more of a "story" here than the original. Still nothing to write home hasn't aged poorly but it definitely hasn't aged all that well, either. I think it would be good to see a reboot of these films with a new cast and some updated FX. Not sorry I watched it (again) but - at my age - I probably wouldn't waste time watching it ever again.

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I got more enjoyment from 'Mad Max 2'. It's a good watch!

Everything felt a bit more fleshed out to me personally. Mel Gibson's titular character is improved, as are his sidekicks and their antagonists. The action is still at the same high level, there's plenty to gain entertainment from in regards to that along with the more amusing aspects; but disappointing to see that the wacky eye bulge gag did not reappear! I will say that final sequence overruns, not a big deal though.

Most importantly, the story is more interesting. It is, in my opinion, much better befitting of the movie's dystopian setting and is, just generally, a more noteworthy watch compared to its predecessor's plot. Gibson puts in another solid showing, as do Bruce Spence and Michael Preston in this entry. Honestly, mind, across these opening two flicks the cast don't really stand out to me all that much - it's all about the action!

Intrigued to find out what 'Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome' had to offer!

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Shout by JC

Now this is Mad Max. Frenetic, tactile action and set pieces you can feel every crunch and crash of. Fun and larger than life characters with little touches to make them feel real and hammy villains that fill the screen. And a concise and effective arc for Max, finding his humanity again. He’s much more compelling in the state of having lost it than in the process of losing it like the first. The flashback isn’t even needed, you can intuit all you need. Hate to give the credit his due, but Gibson is more tuned in for this one. He gives a very physical performance, makes the few words he says count, and lets his eyes and face do the rest. You can see the light coming back to him even as he resists it.

Mention also has to go to the costume design. So many iconic looks wasteland stories would ape forever after. It’s just a fun time designed to make you hoot and holler, and Miller pulling it off with such aplomb with practical effects is deeply impressive.

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Mad Max 2 builds upon the original and moves further into a dystopian world. There is more action, better characters, and a more entertaining story. This film is superior to its predecessor in every way.

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I like it better than the first movie since it's now totally decoupled from "the world as we know it". The first movie still had some normal people, some normal towns, some normal business and remnants of law enforcement and a general civility. This movie is now set in an apocalyptic scenery and feels like a proper sci-fi movie. Sure it's camp. The plot isn't complex either. Characters are one-dimensional. Performances are wooden or laughable for the most part. There's no philosophical core - other than perhaps that it makes you contemplate the general possibility of such alternative history after an cataclysmic event. However, the style is awesome. In particular landscape, costumes and iconic vehicles. I can clearly see the influence this movie had on later movies such as Waterworld. Action-scenes are thrilling

I was entertained.

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We enjoyed revisiting this movie.

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The possibilities of the theme are exploited to the full.

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First of all, I joined the franchise with Mad Max Fury Road and consider it a masterpiece of action cinema Consequently, the film has a difficult start, as I can’t help but use Fury Road for comparison. Effects, technology, digital post-processing and all other technological advances of the years between the two films aside and purely content-related remains one thing to be noted. Fury Road has simply picked out the most exciting and exciting part of Mad Max 2, dragged it out without creating lengths. On the other hand, with Mad Max 2, the first two thirds feel very lengthy, especially with today’s viewing habits. The ending, on the other hand, is also very exciting staged action. Nevertheless, and that’s why I would recommend this film to fans of Fury Road to see where some ideas come from and because it has its show values.

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Everything that the first "Mad Max" should have been and more. However, while the first movie had a grittier and more dramatic tone, things are more cartoony and tongue-in-cheek here, probably to match the overblown presentation and campy costumes. Call it style over substance, but the art direction and action sequences manage to carry the film brilliantly even four decades later.

My major complaints are, again, the soundtrack (unfortunately, the same guy from the first movie is back), and the main villain’s voice, which kind of spoiled the character’s threatening appearance.

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After admittedly being a bit disappointed with the original Mad Max, this improved in almost every way. This is much more the Mad Max I expected and looked forward to. Is it perfect? Nope. But it’s a fun action movie and very happy to have seen it!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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Acting: 2/3
Cinematography: 2/3
Story: 2/3

Enjoy: +1

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Shout by Erick
BlockedParent2021-07-27T04:00:38Z— updated 2021-08-10T17:00:58Z

This movie is fantastic and is most definitely the Mad Max: Fury Road of the eighties.

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do you want to know how is live after post apocalyptic ?
do you want to know how are people living in that time ?
do you want to know how mush savage is there in that time ?

then you should watch MAD MAX it is one of Mel Gibson best movies you well Certainly love this movie

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