Personal Lists featuring...

Mad Max 2 1981


They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (TSPDT) is a modest but growing film resource dedicated to the art of motion picture filmmaking and most specifically to that one particular individual calling the shots from behind the camera - the film director.

This list is based on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films, a list compilated by Bill Georgaris using thousands of best-of/all-time lists.


Post Apocalyptic movies are some of our favorite kinds of movies to watch. Any work of fiction that involves people trying to survive in a destroyed world, just taps into our fear centers like few others. There are a few different ways that the world can end in these movies: nuclear holocaust, viral outbreak, alien invasion, nature revolting against us, or sometimes, the world even ends by supernatural means.

Many PA flicks are probably more based in the realm of Sci-Fi than they are pure Horror, but even the ones that stray too far from our Horror purview tend to be terrifying in their own right. Putting this list together meant including some of those types of movies, but in the end, they all fit quite neatly under the Post-Apocalyptic banner; even if a few of them are more accurately "End of the World" movies than they are Post-Apocalyptic.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Post-Apocalyptic flick, Horror or otherwise, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For us, The Road Warrior is probably our all-time fave, although this year's Mad Max: Fury Road comes close. They all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Post-Apocalyptic Sub-Genre though.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Post-Apocalyptic flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".



I Love to Watch Disaster Movies so I am providing this Great List of Disaster Movies for others to get their fill as well.


The 2013 edition can be found at

Welcome to 2012's edition of the 1,000 Greatest Films. This will be the last update prior to the publication of the 'earth-shattering' Sight & Sound poll which will be unfurled later in the year. The Sight & Sound results will no doubt have a major impact on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films listing. It will become the most heavily weighted poll within our calculations. Anyway, that is then, and this is now."



Box Sets

by Deleted

Ultimate Box Set Collection


The They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 greatest films list is primarily compiled by using over 6000 individual critics' and filmmakers' best-films-of-all-time lists/ballots. The resulting list is very diverse and spans virtually all movie-producing decades and countries.



Excludes superhero/supervillain movies


The 500 movies in this list have been selected by a combination of 10,000 Empire readers, 50 critics and 150 of Hollywood's finest.


Dystopian Films

by ryanlouisk



The best 100 Sci-fi movies as been voted in July 2014 from the London Time Out magazine.
Voted by leading sci-fi experts, filmmakers, science fiction writers, film critics and scientists.


"They get a bad rap from snobs, but don’t mess with action movies—they’re pumped up, loaded with ammo and in your face like Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bad day. Truth be told, no one can live solely on Woody Allen movies or animation alone. We need explosions periodically. Big ones. Preferably accompanied by catchphrases and squealing electric guitars. With crucial contributions from Hong Kong and France, the genre has a global richness that sneaks up on you like a swarthy henchman with a knife clenched between his teeth. And when we arrived at action’s ’80s movies heyday, when Hollywood stars ruled the roost, our research was euphoric. We’ve polled over 50 experts in the field, from essential directors like Die Hard’s John McTiernan to the actual folks in the line of fire, such as Machete himself, Danny Trejo. Critics and experts have weighed in, too."

The list has 102 titles because Kill Bill was counted as one entry.



They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (TSPDT) is a modest but growing film resource dedicated to the art of motion picture filmmaking and most specifically to that one particular individual calling the shots from behind the camera - the film director.

This list is based on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films, a list compilated by Bill Georgaris using thousands of best-of/all-time lists.


IMDB Top 1000

by Deleted

IMDB Top 1000 - 14/11/05


About The Poll
This poll was conducted in November 2008. The list was compiled using votes from Empire readers, Hollywood actors, actress and key film critics.


This list is drawn from "The New York Times Book of Movies: The Essential 1,000 Films to See", published in 2019. It contains a selection of 1000 reviews that have been printed in The New York Times. The majority of movies in this book are among the "10 Best Films" chosen by New York Times critics at the end of each year.



Science, time, space and advanced technology - either real or imaginary.
