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Mad Max: Fury Road 2015

very long bad chase scene

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Perfect action movie, with the best Tom hardy, Charlize theron
you cant just get bored at any moment while watching this !!

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Great action and acting and camera shots and angles. Non-stop action and thrills.

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I started watching as a background movie to the work I was doing. within 60 seconds I had but my laptop down and was consumed for the next 2Hrs. you are immediately taken in by the so perfectly done action scenes and encapsulated in the Cinematography.

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Charlize Theron's acting was superb! Loved her acting in this one. Graphics were great as well, reminds me of the game.

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This film was absolutley visually stunning.

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This is so exhilarating. This is a engaging, original, awesome world.

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I can't get enough, I already seen 3 times already...

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Probably the Best Movie of the Year. Through out the whole movie there wasn't one thing that didn't seem unrealistic in a post apocalyptic world. Then the struggle between Max and Furiosa is great their both supper protective and extremely driven and at first too stubborn to see that they need each other. Just a great movie over all really hoping they do something with it again in the future.

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The best action movie in years.

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Max Rockatansky: Max. My name is Max. That's my name.

Late to watch this, but, im not sure I see the mass appeal.

Visually stunning but for me that's where it ends, the story is quite weak and the dialogue even weaker.

Totally enjoyable though as we await the next big explosion or crazy looking mutant. One viewing is enough, I wouldn't watch it again.

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Probably, the best action movie in the last 15/20 years.
And it's a movie about women.

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Movie was quite a show actually. All actors are in their own world and every single one of them can tell their particular story. The colours were fantastic and the Tom Hardy, good job once again m8.

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enjoyed the movie, although one thing made me grind my teeth: driving through desert and sand storms with engines with no air filters...

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Not a big deal of a story, but that is highly compensated with a lot of action. This movie never gets bored and Tom Hardy is doing a really good job as main character.

A well-deserved 8!

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great comeback from mad max trilogy by George Miller

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This is definitely one of my favourite movies, the excitement doesn't end until the movie ends. Even then, you're still kind of left with a tingly feeling.This is BOMB and it's one of the most exciting films i've ever seen. The cinematography was AMAZING and I had to take screenshots watching it at home because it was too fucking hot, it's like each scene was filmed and tinted with one dominant colour. Cinematography and the actual film itself aside, the way they represented this dystopian world is so unlike anything i've ever seen - some of the stuff is so out there, like the concept of man wanting to be more machine-like and using the V8 symbol as their hangsign. Not to mention the unrealistic use of a plastic bodysuit for Immortan Joe which would be impractical but yet that made the whole movie more exciting. The moment something impractical came into the film, it kind of make me think that cinema can just be explosions and action and stuff that doesn't make sense. Not everything needs to realistically fit to 'fit'. It's out of this world.

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best movie in 2015 !

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I really hate the over post-produced Batmanish voice they put over Tom Hardy, It was like seeing an old Chinese movie translated. --I'm Batmax-- ...and the exaggerated color filters, but it's a good movie, it's fun and a lot of action, Charlize Theron did an excellent job... still, I love more the old classic Mad Max movies (except Beyond Thunderdome).

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good movie I recommended to anyone

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Nothing more than great. Great effects, great action, and good story. I regret not having seeing this in the cinema.

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I get why many loves this movie. It looks great, has a lot of action and... and... I've heard that some people think that the story is strong. Really? I'm all for women taking matters in their own hands. I love strong female characters. A movie can be well made but do nothing for me, and a "bad" made movie can be entertaining. For me a great movie, or a movie I love is one that I want to watch again. And lots more times. This didn't make me feel that way. I might watch the trailer(s) again but that's it. Not gonna buy it. For my entertainment it's 2/5 for me. Hate me if you want. Quality wise it definitely gets higher than that though.

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What a movie. I hate myself for missing it in 3D in theaters.

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a weird action movie, the story is solid, it presents a somewhat original scenario to how our world will end up, but I can't help but say there's something missing.

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High on action low on story, that's how I'd describe Mad Max: Fury Road. I was never a fan of the original movies and that didn't change with this reboot. Throwing together all kinds of crazy characters and them having them say the most ridiculous lines doesn't make a good movie. How some of the actors could say some of these lines with a straight face is beyond me. "He's a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!" What?!
The Mad Max universe is a post-apocalyptic world that's just too much and has no clear direction. It tries too hard.

And what's up with naming the movie Mad Max and then placing the focus on somebody else? Tom Hardy as Mad Max literally mumbles his way through a few lines in the entire movie and the rest of the dialog goes to Charlize Theron's character Furiosa. The title character is just along for the ride is someone else's movie.
A movie that has some (the CGI is shockingly bad for todays standards) great (physical) special effects, but lacks a story.

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And where is Mad Max? I spotted only Tina Turner's sick brother...

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So fucking good...I love it

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This movie is worth the time spended on it

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After a tense prologue to set up the film, It takes a little while to adjust to the scenario presented - Max might be Mad, but the world presented is completely nuts and difficult to accept even on its own terms (Some slightly dodgy acting from some of the minor characters doesn't help). But, that all quickly fades once the film sets out into the desert and quickly develops into one very intense chase film. Miller has created some of the most visceral and tense chase sequences in some time, each one different enough to prevent the film from becoming stale. That a lot of the stunts were done for real certainly makes it much more appealing, yet the film wouldn't work if we didn't care about the characters. Hardy as Max is certainly effective, but the real revelation here is Theron's Furiosa, The film is also beautifully shot with some stunning images that make this one of those films worth seeing on the biggest screen possible. The epilogue wraps things up a little too easily, but the thrill here is in the chase and one that is definitely worth taking.

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I had no expectations of this movie when I went to see it on cinema. I never saw the original movies (and I don't intend to either), but I must say that I was positively surprised by this one. It was action packed with something happening all the time, so there was really never a dull moment, although I think it was maybe a tad too long with all the back-and-forth. The characters were brilliant and interesting in their own way and let's not forget - completely insane - but in a positive way of course. The sheer amount of creativity poured into the production simply amazes me. Everything fits together perfectly. I'm giving it an 8 simply because I realize that, although it certainly delivers on it's promises, it's just pure (but awesome) entertainment, and I generally expect more from a movie to give it a higher rating.

Oh, and don't bother with 3D, it doesn't add anything to the experience.

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Simply the best action movie in years. Light on story, rich in frills and thrills.

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Basically 300 except with more orange and in cars. What I mean by that is that the plot is there and it's okay but that's not why you're watching this movie (and the acting is honestly terrible). You watch this movie for the elaborate and unique action sequences.

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I went alone to watch this movie and what a win! Action non-stop during the whole play. The film is a gift to all senses.
The only objection is that it leaves you with the feeling of wanting more

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Watch "Mad Max: Fury Road – Comic Con Footage – Official…" on YouTube

Mad Max: Fury Road – Comic Con Footage – Official…:

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Comic-Con First Look: - Can't wait!

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Overrated junk, with no plot and no play. Waste of time.

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Seriously the biggest load of poop ever.

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I don't see why someone would watch this movie. IMO, it is a bunch of vehicles chasing another and the only thing that happens troughout the movie is them exploding and crashing into eachother - of course, troughout the whole storyline, everything is happening in a dessert to make things even more borring and monotone. Can someone list me at least 10 reasons why he/she would watch this move?!

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Going to go against the vastly popular opinion on this one. The originals had this grounded bizarreness to them. Here we have a movie that starts off with the action cranked to 11 and continues all the way to the end without letting up. No character development, no semblance of reality without any grounding. Hardy is no longer the average family man turned hard due to tragic circumstances like Gibson, Hardy is a hard man out of the box. Im pretty sure this entire movies dialog would fit on one page.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I no longer respond to mindless bombast. And this movie is pure bombast and nothing else. I can appreciate the subtext of strong women leading women - nothing wrong with that. But this is supposed to be MAD MAX, not Maxine. Heartbroken.

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I'm glad I stuck with it. I was gonna turn it off but it gets so much better after the storm chase scene. I still can't get over them building their entire society on the one resource they're most desperate for and the motorcycle chase scene looks like a themed Nitro Circus spectacle. But it was enjoyable. And being on a Nicholas Hoult trip lately, this kept my attention more than it normally would have. I still believe this is massively overhyped though. Some of the effects, even for the time, are really bad.

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"Mad Max: Fury Road" marks the return of George Miller to the franchise that launched him into the spotlight.

Tom Hardy replaces Mel Gibson really well in the character of Max Rockatansky, despite Charlize Theron being the star of the film.

George Miller shows in "Mad Max: Fury Road" how to shoot action. There is no "shaky cam", so we can actually see what's happening.
The "stunt work" made in "Mad Max: Fury Road" is some of the best ever made in cinema.

In the end, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is one of the best action movies ever made, side by side, with movies like "Die Hard" or "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".

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Loved the Doof Wagon! And Doof Warrior was awesome!

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what a film, what a lovely film

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Deserves a 10 out of 10 all around and marks above for this kind of movie
Maybe the best Mad Max so far and definely
well driven :).Truly remarquable sequel and reboot.
I had pretty low expectectations after the trailer
and and i was dragged into the theaterAnd i was blown away by this apocalyptic universe and the non stop action sequence.
Some 3D effects are cool too.
Well played Georges Miller and the team:)

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