Shouts about...

Mary and Max 2009

Well, it sure is unique, it’ll get that from me. I don’t really like the animation style and it’s definitely not funny. Some of the jokes are just cringey. I don’t think this is for me. Made me more uncomfortable, than that I actually enjoyed it. For me, this falls in the category:

“People like this because it’s artsy and different and it makes them feel intellectual. Which is not the case, of course.”

I would argue: if you like this so much that you’re giving it an 8+, than you’re probably an enormous fucking loser like the main characters. Or is that too harsh? Oh well…

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Absolutely wonderful film, hilarious and touching in equal measure. Beautifully done. Now one of my favourite stop~motion movies.

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Shout by tiny_thanos

Intensely emotional. The theme of acceptance and the characters' battles with loneliness, depression, and substance abuse is handled really well and I found that I could relate pretty well to Max, considering that I'm an aspie in the big city.

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Shout by Deleted

A very odd movie to watch, but still made to be very good.

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Now this is a well done movie.
I loved the the dialogues, the 70s style narration, the pacing, the overall directing.
This is a movie made out of inspiration and it shows.
The plot is so heavy and depressing in general that the heartwarming moments of positivity brought tears to my eyes.
Maybe i could start knit picking on too many tragic events that at some point made me say 'wow, it is so SO dark and sad, ' but that's an arguable issue.

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A beautiful and unique animation style with an interesting story make this worth watching.

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A cute movie about an inappropriate relationship between a little girl and a man who struggles with mental illness.

Not for kids

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Too simplistic. Felt like a waste of good animation. Not awful as a whole, but I didn't take to the story telling style. It felt like Cbeebies trying to be serious and with bad jokes. Just because it's about lonely and odd people reaching out whilst being completely grim, I don't think that magically makes it engaging or serious. To me ideas, social exploration and real characters are engaging and have depth, and this is more a contrived outsider animation to get certain artistic tags and to force some kind of emotion on susceptible people. It's very unsubtle and seems to be in love with it's own sadness like a sad teen glamorising a condition. You don't use your brain watching this.

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Shout by Deleted

"The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect. And so am I. All humans are imperfect."

Four years later. A true inspiration to me. Shame he tragically died during his prime.

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definitely it's sophisticating and is a masterpiece

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sweet and sour of lonely people

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A very special movie that somehow manages to capture your attention although it is neither overly fun nor intriguing nor especially well made. One cannot describe this movie, one has to watch it to make up one's own mind about it: from me it gets 6 stars because I think a lot of potential was left unused.

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“I find the world very confusing and chaotic, because my mind is very literal and logical” -

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Claymation at its finest. This dark masterpiece explores all the emotions. Loved it!

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I love this movie because of.... read the review of CatyAlexandre.

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I just finished watching the movie and I AM STILL CRYING!!!! This is a wonderful film. I love it!

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Shout by Deleted

Depressingly perfect.

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Shout by Deleted

My fav animated movie of all the time.

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I wonder why people are so reluctant to give a 10 if they really enjoyed a movie. Is it so because they don't want to accept that a non popular movie is so amazing?

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This is a fantastic movie. Clever, quirky, hilarious, witty - this movie was severely underrated! It's a beautiful story and it's told very well. Plus - it's claymation!

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who can argue with that ?
More than Incredible indeed .

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More than Incredible !

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