Shouts about...

Mean Girls 2004

This film is so fetch!

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Brilliant film, absolute classic!

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my absolute favorite movie ever. so iconic!!

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This is one of the most re-watchable movies I've seen and probably one of the most quotable movies of my time. I remember seeing this in the theater when it came out, and it still holds up now. Rachel McAdams is great, I'm a huge fan of hers. Plus, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler can do no wrong.

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I like a cliché teenage chick flick? Mhm, you found my guilty pleasure. These films are usually my biggest problem in the film industry because of their corniness; lack of originality; and obnoxious acting, however, Mean Girls is fucking hilarious. Mean Girls is so fetch! Mean Girls is quotable as fuck. I never thought I’d ever like this movie, but oops, I guess I’m another basic bitch. I probably should just start wearing pink on Wednesday’s already, right? If I don’t, wouldn’t that just be basically social suicide!?

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On October 3rd, he asked what day is was. I love this movie.

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"Stop trying to make fetch happen!"

I avoided this movie for a long time because I thought it was going to be a rom com but I was a fool. I put this on from time to time because it is clever and just so good. After rewatching I think it might be a perfectly cast comedy.

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I hate how this is my most watched movie...

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Surprisingly a lot of fun!

I wouldn't have predicted me liking 'Mean Girls', but I actually thoroughly enjoyed it. The first half is stronger than what follows and it does wrap up a bit too harmoniously, though all in all it has good intentions and is unexpectedly consistently amusing.

Lindsay Lohan appears in a similar role to what I've seen elsewhere from her across this era, nevertheless she does put in a very good performance. Rachel McAdams is excellent, strangely likeable despite playing an unlikeable character. The rest of the cast are pleasant as well, e.g. Lizzy Caplan, Tina Fey and Tim Meadows.

Interested to see how the sequel and remake turned out. As for this one, it's entertaining!

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This movie is a classic for a reason. It’s got so many quotable lines, and lovable (or hatable) characters. The irony being this movie would not go over well in 2022 as it seeks to offend so many different stereotypes. HOWEVER, easily the “best” movie of many of these actors careers. This is certainly not the last time I will watch this movie!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Shout by Deleted

I just watched this movie for the first time and I can DEFINITELY see why this has a giant cult following! This was one of the best and funniest movies I've ever seen, and is totally worth all the hype! 9/10!

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Watching MEAN GIRLS for the first time was just one "Oh, so that's where that comes from!" after another. #iunderstoodthatreference

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When it comes to chick flicks being a guy and all this comes off the best one out of a lot I've seen, and Lindsay Lohan's best for me before she went down hill. It speaks to you, it's got a good point of view in it's story plot, and great script, and not forgetting full of laugh out loud moments XD

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A classic I will find time to rewatch. Especially today on Mean Girls day.

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This movie doesn't need physical humor (or at least it doesn't abuse it) to make you laugh. It has many elements (dialogues, outfits, etc.) that have remained for pop culture. My favorite part is the character development and the message of the movie. I don't give it a 10 because although these aspects are good, they can be improved.

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so many twists i did not expect. wow

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So many underrated lines:
> "I'm kind of psychic. I have a fifth sense."
"What do you mean?"
"It's like I have ESPN or something."
> "Is butter a carb?"
> "Coach Carr, step away from the underage girls."

Everyone talks about Rachel McAdams, but Lizzy Caplan as Janis is equally iconic.

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most of the film is honestly whip-smart, witty, and hilarious. and the cast just rules! it’s just sad that the ending feels a bit rushed and cliché.

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After hearing, repeatedly, that this is a Must Watch movie, I can now say, I have, and, I understand why people call it iconic. It was not what I expected. The point of the movie was not to model the Mean Girl, which is what I expected (and which I had no interest in perpetuating). It’s actually quite the opposite. It demystifies the stereotype while having no intention, whatsoever, to be anything other than a comedy. The casting is incredible. The humour is spot on. It is forever being covertly quoted. It is rewatchable and truly iconic. I give this film an 8 (grool) out of 10. [Comedy]

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I was resistant to watching this for a long time, but it actually was a well done movie. Some jokes don't agree well, but as a whole, it kept me engaged.

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With the release of Mean Girls The Musical, it came to my sisters' attention that I had never seen the original and they felt the need to correct that oversight. I'm glad they did. This movie is genuinely clever and hilarious. Tina Fey knocks it out of the park on the writing and the performances from the entire ensemble really sell it. Turns out there's a reason this is so heavily quoted.

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This movie so fetch and so quotable. I love some evil Rachel McAdams.

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Still one of the best teen movies ever.

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A good, steady satire of teen popularity and social cliques from the mind of Tina Fey. Like the best of its SNL siblings it's endlessly quotable and wears its heart on its sleeve, though it's not as rapid-fire funny as elder statesmen like Wayne's World or Tommy Boy. A fresh-faced Lindsay Lohan takes the leading role where it's meant to go, but stops short of adding anything to the production. That's probably best left in the hands of her co-stars, anyway; a waspy trio of entitled blonde brats who are satisfyingly, but not irredeemably, malevolent. Former castmates Fey, Tim Meadows and Amy Poehler are all excellent in supporting roles, but refuse to overshadow the young leads. Chances are, if you've attended high school in the last twenty years, you'll see a few faces you recognize here and appreciate their forthcoming boot in the ass.

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The girl falling back in the wheelchair got me real good. Such an iconic movie.
How is Rachel McAdams great in everything, she needs to be in more comedies.
We all need a friend like Damian.

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If this was released now, it wouldn't. The jokes are decent, but it's the one liners that get me the most, especially with the dramatic acting. Get in the looser, we're going shopping. They weren't lying when they called this a drama. It's not really my type of thing, so I got very bored, but for what it is, it's watchable. Everything else about this is classic early 2000s.

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Just watched this before my flight in two hours and it was a good company. 7.0/10

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00’s insensitivity will likely be a barrier to entry for new viewers.

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the plot twist when regina put her own picture in the burn book ugh fight club could never

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It’s a classic with a lot of memorable scenes and funny moments, but the amount of slurs ruin what could have otherwise been a great movie.

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The film was surprisingly good.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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What we need is a true sequel to this movie that has Regina George in it.

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Shout by Deleted

Gezien op i-pad als test . Puber film ...

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I have not seen this movie before but I was less than impressed. Bad acting and the story is kind of… well… yeah… it's not even that funny. Maybe it was 13 years ago but now it's definitely not really for me.

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Oh my god, Karen, you can't just ask someone why they're white!

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this movie is awesome!my teacher said that i'm lindsay lohan

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This is like scarface but with less coke, hella fetch/10

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Everyone was so iconic and the fashion was awesome!

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