Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2024-02-26T21:40:29Z— updated 2024-02-28T07:51:16Z

Great recording, besides two or three duds this is a tight tracklist consisting of some of Metallica’s best material throughout their career. I don’t understand how this sounds better than a lot of their albums past the 90s. The performance by the band is great, even the old stuff is played and sung with as much viscera as it should. Visually, I was actually the most interested by some of the showmanship showed on stage, from the recreation of album covers to the use of lightning and fire. The tacked on impressionistic music video starring Dane DeHaan, however, is a complete misfire. Not only does the imagery feel goofy and on the nose, but Dane DeHaan doesn’t represent what I think of when it comes to a typical Metallica listener. Even the colour grading reminded me of Suicide Squad, the whole thing feels misjudged. You’re a legacy act, you don’t need to appeal to what is your idea of ‘the cool kids’. Thankfully it doesn’t take up too much of the film and I was still able to enjoy it somewhat.


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A good collection of songs with some great visuals.

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I was at this concerts they were amazing! I wish there was an option to also watch only the concert! But the movie is pretty enjoyable

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Shout by Anais Ordóñez

If you don’t ever get the chance to go to a Metallica concert, I can tell you from experience that this is somewhat it, and it is FUCKING AWESOME! I love that this film also takes on a story while the live music plays. Dane Dehaan portrays a rodie who is sent on a mission to find a disabled truck and bring back something. The story he plays in is so graphically violent and so well connected to the Metallica’s music. This film is definitely worth a watch, ONLY if you are into Metallica!

(I have heard some people only watched it because of Dane Dehaan, expecting so much more. It is a Metallica concert film. Even if it wasn't, I doubt Dane would have been in the film as often as you fangirls/boys expected).

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This is a concert film, so don't do in expecting some cool secret mission by the roadie. Audio sounds great and its ultimately enjoyable to see Metallica put on a good show.

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