Personal Lists featuring...

Miami Connection 1987


A collection of terrible movies I must watch


The series of movies discussed on the main episodes —Paul, June and Jason saw ALL these movies… so you know what that means!


List of movies from the how did this get made podcast


Genuine dross only. In general that means the film should be hilariously bad with no redeeming qualities, not merely a major studio film with a laughable plot.


All 4K releases in the US


This is my attempt to watch at least 365 movies in the year of 2014.


Kung Fu and Karate Fighting Movies


What makes a film so appalling that it transitions from ordinary ineptitude into the sublime; beyond cult status (and all reason) and into that surreal place where you really can’t believe what you’re watching? This list is a remarkable collection of action films, particularly from the 80's and 90's, that were so awesome and so cheesy, that they have become mainstays in a lot of DVD collections.


Listing stuff as I watch it. Here are all the RiffTrax movies.


A Bad Movies subgenre - Vanity Films are projects started by a filmmaker to satisfy their massive ego. Usually a "triple threat" who writes, directs AND stars in a movie for the sole purpose of showing everyone how "cool" they are.
