All Lists featuring...

Millennium 1989


Film/show contains time-travel. In any form. Be it time-loop, full on relocation in time, consciousness transfer...

Warning: You may find yourself screaming "Paradox!" That's just a risk you have to take.


Movies featuring time-travel, time loops or related themes I have seen over the years.

Last Update: 08/2023


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Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: gb, us, gb
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 0 and 100 with at least 0
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1980 and 1989


Canuxploitation is a film genre that encompasses B-movies made in Canada, especially those produced throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s to take advantage of government tax incentives. Often derided or outright ignored by Canadian critics and cultural historians, these horror, science fiction, comedy, action and exploitation fims present viewers with a film legacy that challenges a traditional understanding of Canadian movies as either languid art films or happy tales of Prairie life.


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Updated at 2024-04-28 09:49:31


Time travel, time loops, time distortion, alternate timelines, parallel universes & related themes


A list of every film mentioned in the documentary In Search of Tomorrow.

List by hotsake


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 0 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 0 and 2000 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2200


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 20 and 100 with at least 1
IMDb ratings: Between 50 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 60 and 800 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


Pre/mid/post apocalypse movies.

Whether the disaster was natural, human made or caused by pesky aliens. Civilization is at the brink.

Maybe we just shouldn't have got out of bed this morning,


Each week, the FilmSack crew picks a strange movie from the bowels of Netflix streaming and splatters it all over your inner ear. Sometimes it’s a long forgotten horror movie from the 70′. Sometimes it’s a under the radar gem of brilliance from last year. One way or the other, this is not your typical movie show.

Join Scott Johnson and his FilmSack pals, Brian Ibbot, Brian Dunaway, and Randy Jordan, as they swim in a big vat of film-nerd sweat, and capture it all on tape!


Time travel, predictions, parallel worlds,time loops, etc.


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Min rating: 50
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 100
Min runtime: 1
Max runtime: 500
Min year: 1850
Max year: 2020


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Certifications: g, r, nr, pg, pg-13
Countries: nz, gb, us, gb
Languages: en
Min rating: 65
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 0
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1910
Max year: 2025


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: us
Genres: action, adventure, comedy, crime, drama, fantasy, history, horror, mystery, romance, science-fiction, superhero, suspense, thriller, war
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 0 and 100 with at least 0
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1980 and 1989


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Updated at 2022-11-07 13:57:53


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 0 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 15 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1900 and 2020
