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Mob Land 2023

Decent movie. Not sure about the negative reviews. It's nothing fancy, does what it says.

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The aweful, wobbly camarawork made me seasick! After 10mins I gave up...

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First thing wrong with this upcoming movie: it stars John Travolta, who can't act to save his life. Second, it's John Travolta with a "southern accent", I didn't have to watch the trailer to know he couldn't pull it off and, well, he can't. Third: It's John Travolta with a southern accent in a cowboy hat, now it's just getting silly.

Travolta is a discount Nick Cage, just taking every action flick to come his way because he needs the money so he just phones in his roles in this long string of D movies (he's gone below B and C movies entirely). His last watchable movie was Wild Hogs, which wasn't a great movie but the supporting cast made it tolerable and they offset his terrible acting. Looking at the supporting cast of THIS movie, it doesn't stand a chance to be tolerable.

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Yep 60 seconds and had to stop. Got motion sickness with such stupid camera filming done so bad

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