Shouts about...

Monkey Man 2024

That shit went hard, damn.
I don't think I've seen anything like that since The Raid movies? While it's not all on THAT level, nothing really ever came close. And first time (full movie) director Dev Patel? Mad props yo.

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Shout by JHenry
BlockedParent2024-04-07T19:14:33Z— updated 2024-04-10T02:30:07Z

This movie is already good on its own, but it becomes 10x better when you know what Patel went through to get it made.
The movie has already cemented itself as a classic of the vengeance subgenre, with echoes of Woo and Park Chan-wook, while bursting with enough originality for it to avoid feeling like a carbon copy.
It's a primal yell of a directorial debut from Dev Patel, already an underrated actor, who uses his unique experiences with religion and his own Indian heritage to bring the story of the film to life.
You can smell the blood and sweat wafting through the screen

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Dev Patel really said I'm gonna outdo the bathroom fight scene (MI:6) and the kitchen fight scene (Tenet) and the elevator fight scene (Winter Soldier) while also addressing social and political themes and call it "Monkey Man"

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Ambitious…. But messy.

There is some good stuff here but also some things that just didn’t work. At times the action looked phenomenal, at other times I couldn’t follow what was happening with the shakey cam and the way some of it was cut. I liked the story and exploring the past. The training break between 2nd and 3rd act was the weakest part of the movie. Also felt little unsatisfying with the way it wraps. I think Dev showed some good traits though and will definitely check out whatever he does next. Shout out to Shantel Copley, he’s great as always!

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The movie came out right before a significant election in a country known for its diverse culture and vibrant democracy. Dev Patel shows everything that's been happening in the country for over 30 years-religious terrorism, ethnic cleansing, mob culture, and hate politics are all shown without holding back.

Nowadays, due to Al, there are lots of song edits that make you feel sympathetic towards people you should be criticizing. This movie reminds us to be firm and stand up to technology that tries to control us instead of being fair.

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To boil this down to "Indian John Wick" feels reductive of what's being done here. Dev Patel's first directoral outing is an impressive, huge swing; a socially and politically-charged revenge flick, but there is an overbearing feeling of collapse under these lofty ideas that I just can't shake. There is a loss of cohesion when a tale of vengeance is spread this thin, and while everything is a feast for the eyes and ears (god the soundtrack is so GOOD!) you can feel Patel's struggle to keep all his ducks in a row as the narrative chews and chews the fat. Some impressive highs, but they're extinguished by continous lows in the pace and plot that I can't look past. Excited for the future, I hope Dev continues down this path.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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This film was an important view of what it looks like to stand up to murderous fascism, those who use their outsized power to put their boots on the throats of those they oppress.

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At its center, Monkey Man is the same revenge story we've seen dozens of times. Dev Patel attempts to mask its unoriginality with South Asian folklore, dizzying camera work, and strange music choices. There are moments that it works, but in the end, I celebrated the arrival of the closing credits more than I did the main character's final victory.

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Monkey Man was a decent directorial debut. I went into it expecting a standard revenge thriller that has become so popular in the wake of John Wick, but I think it has a bit more depth to it than that. A bit. It sort of indirectly tries to tackle more complex sociopolitical criticisms, but it doesn't really do so head-on, making it feel a bit tacked on. The cinematography is at times really stylish and striking, and at other times, devolves a bit into shaky cameras and quick edits that feel chaotic during action sequences. Dev Patel is a star, but this isn't necessarily the best showcase of his acting. I think, for a debut, it's still surprisingly strong, and I prefer this to something like John Wick because it does attempt to at least give the character more depth. Though it does drag a bit in the first half, specifically near the middle. The second half is much stronger. I think the movie is at its best when it is setting the scene with some beautiful non-action cinematography.

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Omg this movie literally made me not regret watching it before so i could analyse it for school. The symbolism, characters, cinematography. the Shirtless scene!!! This man knows the female gaze. This man knows how to direct action .

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this was so bad I couldn't watch more than one hour. this movie sucks.

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Would have been an interesting story, but the whole "was weak, then trained by a cult for a few scenes and then became strong" cliché is too overconsumed for me at this point. So yeah! a pretty meh movie for me.

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I don't know what to say. It's neither too bad nor too good, it's an average movie. I think those looking for action and a bit of fantasy will like it. I didn't like it because I was actually looking for fantasy. There were scenes where I got really bored. Anyway, if you can't find a movie to watch, just watch it.

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I didn't expect it to like it so much but this movie is great.I loved directing which was unique,the fight scenes,the editing everything worked so well in this movie. 7.5/10

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Nowhere near as good as what it's trying to be. John Wick, Raid, Extraction etc are much better.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Monkey Man’:

  1. I haven’t seen fight scenes this amazing in a very, very long time. Some of the absolute best, and they kept me on the edge of my seat. Brutal and so badass.

  2. Dev Patel. Looking sexy AF. And the fact that he directed this film — where style seamlessly meets substance — makes him a whole lot sexier. Spectacular job.

  3. I love love love that there was trans representation in this! AND that they literally kicked a whole lotta ass. Again, if I couldn’t love Dev Patel any more (see thought #2).

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Told the ol'lady this was a documentary on the band the Monkeys... movie night rules

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While the story is not to the most liking, I've enjoyed each and every part of this movie. John Wick should take notes. Aha!

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Dev Patel you will always be famous!

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Great action, lack of substance... Lets wait for 3 to 5 years and see how Shahrukh does on the remake...

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Monkey Man - :heart:x7

A clumsy revenge seeker at first - turns into John Wick through a Rocky (1976) style awakening with deep cultural significance backing him up. The action scenes are pretty good and quite violent and bloody.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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It went from man wants to get revenge for murder of a loved one (John Wick story) to man wants to get revenge for Mother India, marginalised people like trans women. (Woke John Wick story)

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It dragged at times, but at times the action sequences were good, it's worth a watch as long as you can sit through those times when the movie seems to drag

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Like John Wick that its clearly inspired by it's just formulaic going through the motions, nothing new to see here.

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a good surprise, this movie has a beauty cinematic and good history :clap:

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Indian police acting like US cops and most of the people speaking english. That's the weirdest part. They could make it natural.

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The action scenes and fights, well, the rest is not bad, but it is not necessary to show the same memory several times. The Indian John Wick, sometimes yes, although more like the raid.

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There are parts of this movie that don't work for me. But when it goes hard, it goes so relentlessly hard.

(Childhood trauma really is a bitch)

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Slightly too long, but pretty much every other element of 'Monkey Man' is more than enough to compensate.

I had a very good time watching what is Dev Patel's directorial debut. He himself is outstanding, having portrayed the role of the titular character perfectly. I had only seen the guy in two films ('Slumdog Millionaire' & 'The Last Airbender') prior to this, so very much happy to see him act further. An excellent job from him on and off screen, I'm happy that he managed to get this made in the end.

As noted, I do think the run time could've been trimmed a little. It's not a major issue of mine, at all, but at a few moments I did feel my interest wane a bit. The story itself is a good one though, one that is entwined with a lot of fight (literally) but a lot of feeling too. Visually, it's a beauty. As for those behind Patel, Pitobash and Vipin Sharma are positives; Ashwini Kalsekar does well too.

Most definitely worth a watch, especially on the big screen! I enjoyed myself, all in all.

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Some good action sequences, but too much shaky cam and way too rapid cuts ruin some scenes.

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The Indian version of John Wick. Pretty cool movie. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.

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A good film with an intriguing story, although the revenge theme has been explored many times before. What sets this film apart are the unique details, including a setting that's uncommon in cinema, outside the traditional United States or Europe that dominate most productions. Although there are few fight scenes, their quality makes up for this limitation. The protagonist might be a typical archetype, but the cultural details and action scenes make the film quite rewarding.

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A rock-solid directorial debut. A revenge action movie with cool action and a compelling story. I like how the main character isn't born cool; he has to earn his way into being a John Wick-style warrior, and his journey is really interesting to watch. The editing and cinematography are kinetic and bold, even when the movie slows down.

Dev Patel has been on my radar for a while as an actor, but now I'm looking forward to the next movie he makes.

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This was a visual spectacle! While it was not my favorite Dev Patel, this was a great directorial effort and I cannot wait to see what he comes up with next!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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It's over all a good movie, story, acting and fight sequences.
Some scenes are so unnecessary like hindu muslim scenes and they also used actual footages.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this. Dev Patel is amazing! I’ve followed his career since skins and I’m glad to see him come into his own!!

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I liked the action scenes...
The plot is nothing to write about, it's good to justify the violence and the story...
The characters seemed to me very forgettable...
I loved the setting...
And the training scenes weren't bad...
But I would have liked to see something more...
The drums gave it the touch...
I would watch another movie from the director/actor, but with a lot more substance....

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Excellent action movie,... if you like that genre.

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An amazing performance from Dev Patel, he's definitely come far in his acting life and made some great films and come from skins to this and love that he directed it too, love the work that's been done on it, to casting, picture, action, plot, effects and camera work, a very enjoyble and fun film with plenty of blood thristy fighting action, definitely swung high in the trees.

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A great movie overall with action scenes and a great storyline

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Take a sprinkling of John Wick and mix it with pretty much any Jean Claude Van Damme movie and this is your end result. While it was good as an action flick, the story was unoriginal AND some of the fight scenes were just over-the-top not believable. (If someone slams you in the throat full-force with a silver serving tray, you're not going to shrug it off and throw another punch.) Granted, it probably meant more to those who can understand the nuances of the Indian/Hindu religions…and I'm not one of those. Much of this was (probably) lost on me since I don't understand all the stuff about Indian politics and religions, but it was still a decent action film. But that's ALL it was, to me...just an okay action film. A bit over-the-top and at least 20 minutes too long, but not a bad movie.

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Good acting.
Long and boring setup.
Good third act.

Characters 7/10
Story 4/10
Pacing 5/10
Visuals 7/10
Rewatchability Factor 2/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 5/10
Average Score 5/10

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Of course someone will say this is an indian version of John Wick but that is a shame for the effort of Patel. Don't forget it is written by Patel. A fantastic brutal story, it begins very strange and trying to figure out what is going on, it unfolds the story in a fantastic straight way with no questions or boring moments. Someone may notice the PC injection but it goes unnoticed with other films.

Fantastic fight sequences and very good direction. Again the story is the main part of captivating to the film, you will not get boring with the length of the movie. This can become a classic vengeance film.

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A gritty actioner written, directed and starring Patel. Wonderful work really. Has that distinct Wick/Raid style of action sequences. It all works pretty well. Strong 7.8 for me.

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Great soundtrack, and beautiful cinematography. A relatively simple revenge story hat draws on Hindu stories and the Indian caste system. The action is up there with Wick, Raid etc. That said, I found myself wishing for a little more plot, and emotional investment. As heartbreaking as the scenes from Dev's characterspast are, I felt like we didn't sit with those people enough to truly be emotively upset, and instead just kinda saddened. The scenes we did get were well done, and I enjoyed the stylistic effects in the presentation of the memories, but they weren't enough to pull anything from me, which limited the feelings the end scenes could have awarded.

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This is an action movie first and foremost. Yes, it also includes a story and characters and dialogue, but the bulk of the run time is Dev Patel fighting folks. Unfortunately, the John Wick approach to film making is a tough sell for me these days. The formula has gotten stale, with all of the action blending together into a repetitive blur. It makes you realize that a smaller dose of action can not only keep your budget in check, but also protects your audience from getting numb to the spectacle, as every punch, kick, stab, and gunshot makes the next one feel less impactful. Unless you're doing something completely unique (maybe Fury Road?) or all of your action sequences are incredibly varied (maybe Sisu?), a less-is-more approach will probably serve you better. With all of that said, this movie was certainly not bad. I actually quite enjoyed the opening third, but once the virtually continuous action sequence kicked off, what little story existed started to feel even more superficial.

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Considering this is Dev Patel's direct debut is impressive.

Very brutal and visually stylish. Patel continues to surprise me.

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Class struggle theme with a "superhero" plot. Action packed, intense, with Kick ass fight scenes! The story is actually focused, but, it felt kinda rushed.

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Unapologetically angry and violent. I loved every minute of it.

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Shout by Davezn

Good action movie, it has a Message in it but some times it gets a little confusing as to what the meaning of the message is. Good fight scene's, but definitely not a John Wicks style. Otherwise OK.

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Spiritual yet violent. Last 30 minutes

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Move over John Wick..
The only thing I'd say is, that like all movies now it felt a bit too long. No film needs to break 2 hours, it's not a drama..

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seen tvhhgj jkhnk jokhn bjjjjjb nonnb njjjb

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'All your life, you’ve been fighting to feel pain.

You need to fight for a purpose.'

idk why people think it's like john wick, aside from the action. the story isn't very similar nor especially formulaic. he didn't start out as a badass, like others. or at least not knowing he was a badass. that's where the above quote comes in. yes, it starts out as a revenge story. yes, plenty of them exist and plenty of people enjoy em. and to think it moves away from the revenge? uh, did you not see him kill rana? you could feel the years of pain erupt like a fire.i didn't care for some of the fight scene cinematography. all the actors were perfectly cast. wish the woman he connected with had a bigger role. 7 ½

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Dev patel, Who touched every aspect of the indian culture.

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This movie reminded me of John Wick movies action packed. Yeah, it is a MUST WATCH.

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 6

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This is a story that nearly every action drama films have similar twist and turns. A man wants revenge on his family's death. Then adds he got trained, adds a dash of well known mythology, in this case Hanuman (Indian's Monkey King or Son Goku or Sun Go Kong).

For westerners, this film is a fresh ideas. For Asians, it's it's enjoyable but it's a dime a dozen. Whichever it is for, just enjoy the film.

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I rarely enjoy an action movie throughout, so when I do it must be fucking spectacular.

I'll process it later but now straight after it is finished - it is fucking spectacular.

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Awesome, everything here is very well done, very careful with the details. The story is great, very well scripted, the scenes are breathtaking, choreography, sequences, angles and cameras very close to everything, always giving the impression that we are inside the movie. The performances are great, the characters are striking and well-developed, and the presence of many cultural elements helps to give this masterpiece a unique tone.

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Hardly worth watching. Minimal fight scenes mostly him doing stupid stuff and nowhere near what fight club is

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Doesn't take a genius to conclude that so called "links to roots" was just PR stunt and almost none of the associated people have iota of knowledge of Indian mythology to which they made failed attempt to parallel. If anything it was mockery besides obvious tell tale signs of creating narrative in international stage. Pick any south Indian movie, it will have better implementation of similar storyline without forcefully adding religion to the mix.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Dev Patel tries hard and it's okay for a first movie as a director, but unfortunately not much more than that. The story is very predictable and banal, we've seen it a million times in other movies.
The actions scenes are decent, but there is just 15 minutes of them or so in the whole movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 at the end. The rest of the movie is an endless boring moaning with sad eyes, almost two hours of it.
And his teeth are way too white and shiny for the guy from the slums, who eats from garbage cans.

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Yeah I've had my fill of Justin Peele movies and his so called "take" on white people in America and I will not sit through any more of the CRAP that this idiot makes.

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For being Dev Patel's first directing film, is not bad. The thing with this kind of one-against-the-world movies, is that mostly they all feel the same: Equalizer, John Wick, Sisu, Nobody, any Jason Statham movie. The plot is nothing new, just with the twist of being in an indian setup. Which I came to realize it doesn't suit me. Never seen any indian movie, but even after seeing this one, which it is (I believe) an americanized version of what an indian movie could be; I know don't like an all-indian setting. Maybe the result of ingesting years and years of american products, but even that this movie its ok; watching it I felt some rejection towards it. Still, I believe is a fair 6 because the fight scenes are pretty cool. The in-between? not so much

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That's the real deal! John Wick on Indian steroids. Really worth watching!

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Dev Patel brings a fresh perspective to the classic themes of old Bollywood in Monkey Man, infusing them with Hollywood's flair for vengeance. With Patel's nuanced performance, the film navigates a complex narrative, exploring themes of love and revenge in a way that captivates audiences. Monkey Man transcends cultural boundaries, offering a gripping cinematic experience that resonates with viewers worldwide. Patel's portrayal adds depth to the character, elevating the film to new heights. Monkey Man is a must-watch for anyone seeking a compelling blend of Bollywood charm and Hollywood sophistication.

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Enjoyable action flick.. felt like two different movies with the first hour setting things up, which, to be honest, was a little slow but really increased the pace in hour 2. The action was enjoyable even though at times I couldn't make out who was hitting who?. I know it's Dev Patels first movie as director and he has done an incredible job, its exciting to see what's next. Good movie and well worth a 2nd watch when it's on streaming.

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It's a by the numbers action flick, but the story told to reach each of those numbers was unique enough to keep things interesting.

The opening stanza of the story drags on for way too long. But once they move on from that the movie picks up a LOT.

In the main / climactic stanza, the fight scenes really do step it up. The action, choreography, cinematography is all pretty damned amazing. It makes this one heck of an action movie. Left me quite happy.

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Like an over-caffeinated kangaroo on a trampoline, Monkey Man is jumpy.

The story of a poor boy from a lower caste in India who grows up to be John Wick jumps around in time, antagonists, and movement, as much of the it is filmed with a hand-cam.

While the movie isn't as arty as it claims (it is, after all, just an nth incarnation of John Wick) the frequent action scenes, the wonderful cinematography, and the strong directorial presence (Dev Patel helms his first feature) mean that Monkey Man is a solid film that delivers.

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Why do these people think they are making a Terence Malick film? Just stick with the action.

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Pretty disappointing. The action was great, but there was far too much time in between action scenes for my liking. Still, a promising start for Dev Patel's directing career and I hope that his next film will alleviate some of my pacing concerns.

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