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Morvern Callar 2002

I feel this is an OK adaptation of the book. There are some odd changes (She leaves her friend at the resort, not drags her out to the wilderness, the book deal was done in London not Spain) the film also lacks the visceral connection she has to music, which is almost a soundtrack to the novel. A few shots of her with earphones in doesn't cut it...

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I really wanted to love this movie more than I did. At front and center is a young woman who recently lost her boyfriend (details withheld) and decides to go on a series of adventures with his money. As the story continues the girl devolves into some kind of nihilistic shell of herself. That's all well and good - while there was a ton of nuance in the main character as time went on it became less interesting to me.

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One thing about people who are drunk or high: things are way more interesting to them than they are to outsiders. And this was a movie that left me feeling distinctly aware that I was on the outside looking in, meaning that I participated as a viewer and didn’t find myself feeling a lot of empathy or connection with the characters. Still a lovely performance by Morton and a great soundtrack, but I left wanting more.

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I like dialogue and at least some plot development in my drama. It just kind of works in telling a story. This pretty much had none and basks in the set up of grief. It looks pretty grim or grimly pretty, with the odd piece of music to stimulate in either a predictable contrast or pretentious way. Not my cup of tea. I don't see how it gets such good reviews. It felt like a medoicre photography art student made it.

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