Shouts about...

Moulin Rouge! 2001

I’m not usually a fan of Luhrmann’s garish style and whiplash editing, but they really work well here for the most part. (My favorite is the editing work on “El Tango de Roxanne” and the sound mixing on “Lady Marmelade/Because We Can.”) The musical numbers are totally insane but lots of fun, with the “Elephant Song Medley” being particularly noteworthy. In a movie full of strange character tics and surreal moments, though, I’d still suggest toning down the craziness of the first 20 minutes. It’s a little disorienting.

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One of very few movies to me that every time I re-watch it is like watching it for the first time. <3

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My favourite film of all time, don't think anything will be able to top it. I love the actors, the music, the theming, the costumes, the choreography and of course the tragic love story.

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With love is like with music, if you didn't feel it you will never know it...

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Extremely tacky. Spastic editing, an assault of colour and sound, terrible acting (even McGregor, who survived George Lucas’ direction, completely sucks here), cringy dialogue and a lot of awful song choices which are meant to juxtapose the vaudeville aesthetic but don’t work. I almost respect it for being so unashamed about what it is, but it’s too annoying to demand any real respect. Over the top direction needs to be rooted in something, otherwise it’s just going to be kitschy. I guess that’s just the best way of summarizing it: none of this rings true, every genuine emotion is buried underneath endless layers of cheese. Avoid this overproduced mess at all cost.


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Like binging on a bag of your favorite candy and it doesn't even make you sick.

Moulin Rouge is why people make movies and why you should see them on the big screen. It takes reality and makes it better, it takes your dreams and makes them bigger, it takes your feelings and makes them stronger. From the impeccable performances to the reworked songs that sound great and still don't ruin the originals, Baz Luhrmann hit all the right notes in this bohemian opera.

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I didn't understand the hype. I love musicals. I love good stories. This didn't do it for me. There were some good moments, and the visuals were nice, but I kept wanting to turn it off. I kept watching hoping it would get better. Honestly, the best parts were the last 15 mins or so.

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I strongly dislike musicals. I strongly like this musical.

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I gave up, can't watch musicals

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Rewatched this after a long gap and it goes just as hard as the first time. Baz Lurhmann gave a masterclass in Cinematic Magic and the whole thing is amazing fun from beginning to end. Almost every scene is “oh, wait, no, this is my favourite!”

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amazing amazing amazing super duper amazing!

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Shout by Lightning13

Guess musical isn't really my thing then. God I feel the runtime in my bones, like I'm dead tired after the movie end because it's so goddamn long. Sure there's few interesting scene and having Nicol act as an evil seductress was amazing not to mention Ewan's cute face and mesmerizing eyes. But other than that? Good god and lord in heaven

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Nicole, Ewan and John were fantastic! I loved this movie when I first saw it, and I love it still, as it is one of the most believable love stories, and Ewan Mc was "too die for", drop dead gorgeous!

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Lady Marmalade was my jam. Dayum I gotta watch this again!

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Worst movie I have seen in several years that others have liked. Nicole Kidman is some people's idea of beautiful, and she has some acting ability but I just can't take her seriously as a passionate woman. Ewan McGregor is entirely too pleased with himself as a hunk. I have nothing against wilfully strange/fantastic movies but this one can't seem to decide what kind of wilfully strange mood/vibe it wants to have. Is it being tongue in cheek throughout or does it want to have some emotional heft? Even the flashy dancing and singing is to my mind undermined by Luhrmann's excessive editing which means I often lost any sense of continuity. But I know it has provided great pleasure to some (and I did quite like Jim Broadbent's performance) so go ahead and try it - but you've been warned...

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