Shouts about...

MouseHunt 1997

This WAS my childhood. One of those gems that you can still watch as an adult and laugh your ass off at. and from the same director as Pirates of the Caribbean? Hell, didn't even know that but helps explain why this so funny and well written.

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I haven’t seen this since it came out in the theatre . I forgot how great it was

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This film couldn't be more up my street if it tried! Hilarious slapstick and visual comedy throughout and a story based on animals outwitting humans. In this case the animal is a mouse and more damage gets done to the humans while the mouse gets off Scott free! There is a clear and obvious inspiration from my favourite comedy team Laurel and Hardy. In one scene, Ernie even mimics Oliver Hardy's famous tie twiddle. It's a fandabbydozy film. I love it.

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Not on Blu-ray? The fuck? This is one of the greatest family movies ever made. Gorgeously shot, fantastic soundtrack, funny jokes, wonderful performances, and a silly & fun story. I remember watching this when I was younger and just falling in love with it instantly. I highly recommend you see it. Find a copy and watch it. It's great.

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