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Mr. Harrigan's Phone 2022

Apparently you need to go into this movie not seeing any marketing since most of the negative reviews talk about how it was "mismarketed". I had no idea what it was about, had no expectations, and I thought it was pretty good. I guess if you went in with expectations of something it isn't, you'd be disappointed.

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How dare they market this as horror it doesn't have an ounce of it! Straight out drama with a grain of supernatural. It's well-acted and nicely filmed but ultimately a slow burn with no burn at all. It started pretty decent with the bonding of our two main characters but then it just went so flat and the ending was even worse... nothing happened. Also i'm officially fed up of Jaeden Martell's voice that voiceover was so annoying.

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Mismarketed and terribly paced. This movie doesn't even know what it wants to be about. It has such an identity crisis that in the end you are left flabbergasted thinking, this is it? And the godawful voiceover was excruciating to sit through, explaining each detail like we are 5.

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This has nothing to do with horror at all, more like a fairy tale and a very lifeless one at that. I expected that it would not be very horror-like, but I did not expect that it would be this bad and lifeless.

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The first movie I watched from Netflix, there is no nudity or gay ideas, I really enjoyed watching it

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to this movie's credit, I wasn't bored until like the last 20 minutes but it really isn't a horror movie or even a thriller at all. it's a dark drama that doesn't really go anywhere and feels like a reductive way of saying phones are bad or whatever. like death note with an iPhone.

donald sutherland is so excellent though I was fully attuned when he was on-screen, too bad that doesn't last long.

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Adorable, interesting, poetic, intriguing, dark, loving and a little scary, as well as good characters.

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I still don't know what the point of this movie is? But I do know that it is not a horror movie. Wish I hadn't watched it at all

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noooooo :weary: what a gigantic waste of time. i only survived how boring this movie was cause i was able to skip foward most of it

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The whole time I kept waiting for the movie to kick off, there just wasn't any depth. The whole movie felt like a build up but then ended with no payoff. This should have just stayed a short story.

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I waited for something to happen but it never did. Avoid it if you don’t want to waste your time.
If you watch the trailer, you have seen all the interesting parts of the movie.
Such a disappointment.

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A dull coming-of-age drama with a tiny bit of supernatural elements. I’ve read the novella that this film is based on and wasn't too impressed. I was hoping this film to be at least entertaining with perhaps a better incorporation of horror elements. While this is not necessarily terrible and is as faithful to the source material as I can remember, it turns a serviceable coming of age tale into an astoundingly dull and lifeless film. The actors are ok but sadly don't do much to elevate the washed out, lifeless production. Some scenes are quite suspenseful but it's not enough. Reading the novella was at least more exciting than watching this. I guess what works on the page sometimes doesn't work as well on the screen. The faithfulness and some good performances are enough to maintain a certain level of interest. It's best to not go in with horror expectations because very little supernatural is present.

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I watch it just because of the actor and even though I managed to see it from start to finish, I didn't like the lack of conflict. It's kind of interesting but not enough, and the acting doesn't make up for it. In conclusion, it is a movie that you don't even understand why you are watching it but you still end up watching it and when you finish you don't know what to think because it didn't have any flavor. It's not memorable, it's not bad. It's nothing

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How to marry iPhone with ghost stories? You can do IT that way. But I am team Android though. ;)

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What is the point of this movie ?

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Many people seem to have a gross (pun intended) misunderstanding of what the horror genre actually is. It is not always gore, and jump scares, and evil creatures; horror is classified by anything that examines dark themes which elicit shock, discomfort, disgust or fear, usually with a supernatural element. Stephen King specialises in revealing the horrors at the core of humanity, and "Mr Harrigan's Phone" fits this description, it is a fine horror drama. It isn't exactly like the original short story, but it is close enough, and therefore satisfactory.

6/10 - for standing by your man in times of need, even from the great beyond.

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This movie is definitely not a horror video. More of a hint of the supernatural, that's all. Most Netflix movies have a strange ending, including this movie.

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It was a pretty decent thriller. Honestly, I would have been ok with a movie just based on the relationship of Craig and Mr. Harrigan. Decent time waster if you got nothing to watch.

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I thought it was going to be a dud, but I was wrong. It was a great movie.

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Even though it's based on a short story by Stephen King, the film doesn't aim for horror. The atmosphere is there, the casting is good. A little disappointed by the end.
My score : ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

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Not horror at all, more like a sentimental movie of a boy. A struggling with his life..

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A lot less intense than I thought it would be, especially coming from Stephen King. It was just kinda a chill movie. Craig was unbearably pretty too :sob: :heart:

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[Netflix] It is possibly a mistake to approach this story thinking that it's a horror movie, an idea that has promoted its own promotion, which can end up being disappointing. And possibly it's also a mistake to turn a short story into a feature film that needs more consistency, although in general it maintains the fidelity to the story. The result is an unbalanced film that is terribly boring at times and at others contains elements of interest, especially in the conversations between the two protagonists, and in that reflection on technological addiction.

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Definitely not horror, more of a thriller. But still a pretty good movie.

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I enjoyed that, different and can’t get enough of jaeden martell, he’s a good actor and want to see him in more.

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Doesn’t really tell a complete story which is disappointing because it had an interesting start.

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I enjoyed every minute but the end. I mean... all that story for that ending?! I felt disappointed. The plot was good but at the end it is like they didn't know what to do with it. I liked the criticism to technology, internet, cellphones. I suppose that was the core of it, but still it deserved a better ending.

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Ok, but what did Harrigan's texts really mean?

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don't go in expecting a horror and it's a pretty good film. the acting is good—especially the guy who played kenny yankovich, holy shit, i haven't felt that level of fight-or-flight over a bully since i was 12 years old

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Shout by JezVIP

Am I the only weirdo that couldn't watch this movie because the phone he was using was too old?

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This is a perfectly adequate Dramawith just a hint of mysticism, but it's almost non-existent. There is no horror and this can't quite be called a thriller either.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Donald Sutherland cashes yet another paycheck leading a cast of failed child models as they become failed child actors - Oh the horror!

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Not a horror movie, but a enjoyable movie

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Despite the lack of any real horror, this isn't that bad a movie. Check out my review here -

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this isnt horror but a pretty sweet movie for one time watch

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I had to adjust my rating after sitting with this for a while. When I first finished I thought, meh. But now I found that I’m thinking about it a lot. One of those movies that somehow, good or bad, weaseled it’s way into my brain.

Was it horror? No, def not. But it had some creepy parts. I get scared easily, and not once was I frightened. Intrigued, sure. Did I get the wiggins? At least twice. But never scared.

I enjoyed it. Didn’t love it. But it was decent. Just don’t go in expecting to leave having that horror movie itch scratched, and maybe it won’t be the worst 90 or so mins of your life.

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