Personal Lists featuring...

Mr. Holmes 2015


IMDb's Top Movies from 2015.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: April 26, 2024


"Movies" I've Watched, but chose not to have them appear in my Library


Movies and TV shows based on or adapted from books, plays, comics or graphic novels.

Some movies and TV shows have different titles than the source material and/or have been adapted from a book series Some titles may have more than movie, i.e. Little Women. I have listed most of them as it is not my intent to rank them. I have not watched a fair number of these titles.


Filmes internacionais vistos por mim!...


TV shows and movies I recommend you watch.


These are the movies that didn't quite make the "Must Watch.." movie lists. One might also refer to this list as the "Must Watch 2nd Tier Movies"


Movies I watched or plan to watch that are already aired.


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 9/28/17

Note: I will no longer be updating this list.


Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Referring to himself as a "consulting detective" in the stories, Holmes is known for his proficiency with observation, deduction, forensic science and logical reasoning that borders on the fantastic, which he employs when investigating cases for a wide variety of clients, including Scotland Yard.


Shows and movies released between the years 2010 and 2019.
