Shouts about...

My Neighbor Totoro 1988

I'm 27 and I just saw this anime for the first time. In fact, it's the first anime I ever saw and I only watched it because a friend kept telling me how great it was. It had been sitting on my shelf for over two years and last night I figured: what the hell, let's try it.

This movie blew me away. It so perfectly captures the innocence and the exploratory nature of childhood. It enables you to view an ordinary day through the viewpoint of two ordinary young girls. It shows how boring we adults are, and how much fantasy, discovery, emotions and playfulness we have lost since we were kids. There's no macho behaviour, no bad guys, no evil to beat, just two kids growing up in a normal life, but extraordinarily presented.

A perfect coming-of-age movie and one of the most impressive movies I've ever seen. Already one of my all-time favourites. If the rest of Hayao Miyazaki's films are anything close to this, he will have a new lifelong fan.

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This movie like so many others from Studio Ghibli shows that Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks Animation are not the only companies that can make top notch animation. My Neighbor Totoro is a wonderful story made by Studio Ghibli and the master Hayao Miyazaki. Some may know him from his other works like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, but this one should not be forgotten. Does Totoro and the buscat (i have no better word for it) with the many legs actually exist or were their part of the girls fantasy? I guess we'll never know....

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Everybody, try laughing. Then whatever scares you will go away!

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Shout by drqshadow
BlockedParent2020-02-04T14:20:06Z— updated 2020-03-19T19:38:20Z

A gorgeous, pitch-perfect example of Studio Ghibli's wonderful characteristic style. Bubbling over with awe, wonder, curiosity and optimism, it's downright impossible not to get sucked into viewing and enjoying this through the eyes of its two young protagonists, recognizing forgotten flashes of our own youth at several stops along the way.

The plot isn't particularly deep or elaborate, but in many ways I can see that as a positive - why force drama into a scenario that's working perfectly well as a quiet, leisurely stroll down imagination lane? I was actually relieved when it became clear they weren't even thinking of moving in that direction. Even the more reflective moments don't miss a beat, as Miyazaki and company lovingly flush the screen with life in dozens of cheery, unexpected ways.

Magnificent animation pairs with a breathtaking setting, a playful spirit, a lovable cast of characters, great timing and a moderate dash of real-life tangibility. Authentic and vivid and pleasant, with at least one foot planted firmly in our world... despite the constant presence of an eight-foot Furby.

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I introduced my AAR* to the creative genius of Hayao Miyazaki's Ghibli Studio, today, by taking her to see MY NEIGHBOUR TOTORO, which was her first Japanese Anime movie. Here is her review (warning, it has some mild spoilers, which I shall note):

I think this movie is a 10 because it is a great movie! I liked all the parts but my favourite part was when the older sister found her younger sister . That was very happy. It had some scary and sad parts but it was all happy at the end . I really liked the two girls, the main characters. I would recommend this movie because it is a very good movie and you would enjoy it very much.

She gives this film a 10 (very great) out of 10 and a thumbs up!

*AAR = Age Appropriate Reviewer - my friend Sophie is nine years old

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I had planned to watch this movie for so long but never looked for it on the web in my language. And There it is on TV, IN ENGLISH! I could not not watch it lol. And I'm so happy I did, been hearing such positive comments from people around me.
It's truely a masterpiece, Studio Ghibli makes such good animated movies. And it got me crying of course!
Totoro IS SO CUTE !!! I noticed so many little things from the other movies, that's lovely. This is a movie you have in your library for your Ghibli moments :stuck_out_tongue:
(Now I need to find my language's version lol)

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Part of the Japanuary 2021 challenge.

I've seen this one so many times already and I can't wait to show it to my niece. It's so carefree, so beautiful and Totoro is so damn cute. Hayao Miyazaki's work is LEGENDARY.

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This movie is just pure delight, wonder, and joy all wrapped into beautiful animation. I love it all to bits.

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Shout by Deleted

it is fascinating how this film opens me a gate towards my giant childhood fantasies, and makes me hug my infant version very tightly. This piece is incredible, in every way.

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Shout by Deleted

it is fascinating how this film opens me a gate towards my giant childhood fantasies, and makes me hug my infant version very tightly. This piece is incredible, in every way.

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Shout by Letícia
BlockedParent2020-12-31T21:44:03Z— updated 2021-01-28T17:50:47Z

for some reason this reminded me of my dog and that made me incredibly happy.

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Shout by Deleted

Best of Anime, period.

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Such beautiful animation and heart warming story. I wish I had seen this earlier. Now I'm on the hunt for a big Totoro for my very own.

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Quite possibly the best animated movie of all time.

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Love totoro :D

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Thanks for the suggestion, I've added it to my watchlist! Having just discovered anime, it's difficult to pick out the best ones.. But as you suggest; first I'll enjoy the Miyazaki movies and will then try out Grave of the Fireflies. I prepare to be amazed :)

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Such a great feel-good movie. And it has points for being around 80 minutes, I love movies of this length.

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Oh my Godz

The movie was amazing. It really warmed my heart.

I just saw this on my anime recommendation and decided to download it even though I'm not sure what kind of anime it is.

And man. It is lovely.

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Most wholesome movie ever!

On a more serious note, the thing I like most about this movie (like most other Studio Ghibli movies) is its amazing world building, you really get the sense that the movie is just a small slice of a large world. There's so much detail in each and every scene. I also liked the story which does a great job at capturing the way kids view the world.

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The original title of the film is Tonari no Totoro.

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Undoubtedly charming, but given the hype that led up to me watching this, I expected a bit more to happen. Still a wonderful movie! 8.5/10

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Can't believe i've skipped this movie for like 8 years considering Spirited Away was my first Ghibli movie..
It's definitely something I would show to my kids later! The music went perfectly with the scenes and that made me really move..
(I never felt like crying over soundtracks but Path of Wind really had this nostalgic / gentle / unexplainable vibe).

Good go Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hiashi! You guys are an amazing team.

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Aggressively cute.

'My Neighbor Totoro' holds an extremely hearty story, one told via impeccably beautiful animation. Noriko Hidaka and Chika Sakamoto standout as Satsuki and Mei, the relationship between those two characters is so sweet. They do get a bit shouty in parts which ever so slightly irritates, but that's definitely one to file under 'nit-picking'.

A simple movie, one which displays the imagination of children perfectly. Big fan of the Catbus. :cat:

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Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 7/10
Acting- 7/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 8.5/10
Total - 40.5/5 = 8.1

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Genius, perfectly capturing the play and innocence of childhood

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Lovely. Watched with a 4 and 8 year old, and both enjoyed it, and did not find it scary.
Positive messages about bravery, family, respect for nature, etc., with nice relationships between characters.
Some mildly emotional scenes, with an ill family member and separation, but handled lightly and with enough joy to balance.
The music and art are wonderful, and the most enjoyable part for me. Such a pleasant movie to watch, just for the settings, cute critters, and impressive animation.

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Cat bus…. Need I say more

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would like to personally thank studio ghibli for being comfort in the form of film, giving me a nicer outlook on life and generally just going “well if human kind can make a movie like this then maybe it’s not so bad out here”.

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Great Miyazaki film with a lovely fairy tale storyline. If only the kids voices weren't so screamish. This made my overal enjoyment of the movie drop :(

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The simple grace of childhood.

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Obviously, this is aimed at kids. As an adult, this is still a very cute story and just a joy to watch. The most impressive thing is that this movie is two years older than me, but doesn’t show it in the slightest. It looks amazing! Don’t expect to get you socks blown off, though.

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Interesting fairytale

Characters 7
Story 7
Pacing 6
Visuals 8
Rewatchability Factor 6
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 7
Average Score 6.83

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It's great. Two things immediately draw me into this: a) Rural Japan is fascinating. I know nothing about Japan. But everything from the architecture to agriculture, from food to bathrooms, from school to shrines is fascinating. b) I know this graphic style from when I was a kid. Many of my beloved childhood heros in German TV, like Heidi or Mają (a bee), were actually animated in Japan. It was pretty much the same manga-ish style. It brings back many fond memories.

The story is simple. It's told slowly. But it's an adventure like no other. It's magic. Primarily made for kids but adults can have a great time too.

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A cute movie but overrated.

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Shout by Deleted

What a lovely film!

I guess all of us can relate with this story, no matter the age. Children's minds are full of imagination and like their minds this film is very colourful, magical and charming. The animation is absolutely wonderful it doesn't even look like it was made in 1988.

Totoro a magical creature, becomes the friend of the two girls in the story. They were going through a difficult phase, their mother was on the hospital and they moved with their father to the countryside to be closer to the hospital where the mother is. The discovery of a magical place and magical friends turned everything easier for the little girls.

My Neighbor Totoro definitely puts a smile on your face. I just wanna hug Totoro right now!! haha

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My unpopular opinion : it was boring. Half of the time it was just Satsuki and Mei running around. Totoro should have had more appearance.

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A lovely movie, though a bit disappointed that this film—in my opinion—doesn't live up to its hype.

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A lighthearted childish adventure. Never in a hundred years would I ever go for this type of movie, it's really not my cup of tea! It had it's moments but I really don't get the appeal for this one. The movie's at it's best when Totoro is on-screen, it becomes truly magical and his tricks are entertaining to watch. He's hardly in the movie though, needed a lot more of him. The rest of the time it's boring... just watching kids running around the forest and laughing with annoying screaching kid voices. The flying cat bus though, the freakin' flying cat bus... what a cool idea! Whenever it was around I had a huge smile on my face.

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I don't get why this movie is so popular. Mei was very annoying. Totoro was great for the part he was in, but he wasn't in the movie that much. There isn't much plot to the movie and I couldn't believe it just ended when it did. You meet the characters moving into a new house, then the dad leaves and Mei gets lost and is found pretty quickly and that's it. I watched Spirited Away right before this so maybe that made it an unfair comparison but that was a much better movie by far.

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I'm literally just 5 minutes into this movie and I'm in awe of how stunning it looks. I can't believe it's 35 years old. Or maybe that's just it. I don't watch a lot of anime but I thought after watching Spirited Away (one of my favourite movies) and Howls Moving Castle I'd give this a try.

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The truth is that I will never understand this movie. There is no introduction, middle and end ...

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie ❤ .. I love it

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You're in for a treat! There's real art in how these stories are told so they appeal to grown-ups as well as kids. If you're through with Miyazaki's works, also check out Grave Of The Fireflies (; but beware, this is probably one of the saddest movies ever!

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