Personal Lists featuring...

Naked 1993


Movies that I genuinely think are masterpieces. Movies that really got me into movies. Movies I loved as a young'un.

Sorted by: Highest average rating on Letterboxd.

Recurring Directors:

4 Movies

Stanley Kubrick , David Fincher

3 Movies

Andrei Tarkovsky , Quentin Tarantino , Peter Jackson, Spike Jonze , Edgar Wright , Christopher Nolan

2 Movies

Martin Scorsese , Billy Wilder , Park Chan-wook , Charlie Chaplin , Roman Polanski , Terry Gilliam , Francis Ford Coppola , Danny Boyle , Darren Aronofsky , Steven Spielberg , Lars von Trier , Damien Chazelle, Stephen Chow, Brad Bird

Movies per decade :

1930s - 2
1940s - 1
1950s - 3
1960s - 6
1970s - 10
1980s - 5
1990s - 15
2000s - 33
2010s - 16

The Greatest of All Time
2001: A Space Odyssey


This is a list of every movie that has made an appearance on the Top 250 list since the beginning of the site in 1996 through 2024. I will maintain a changelog below for when new movies are added to list.

List made using data from IMDB Top 250 History -

Changelog -

Odd Entries Explained -


Region: UK, i.e. England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, etc.


Gonna probably watch most of them.


The Criterion Collection is a video distribution company which specializes in licensing and selling "important classic and contemporary films" in "editions that offer the highest technical quality and award-winning, original supplements."

This is a list of all films (main feature, extra featurette, making of, box-set meta entry, etc if it has a separate entry on trakt) released under Criterion Collection catalog, Essential Art House, Eclipse, Merchant Ivory collections etc. as DVD/BluRay. So far LaserDisc releases have not been included.

Notes to self:
Reviewed/cross-checked entries till Criterion Collection #200.
Last entry: Criterion Collection Spine #845 / Eclipse Series #44.
