Shouts about...

Night and Fog 1956

"We survey these ruins with a heartfelt gaze, certain the old monster lies crushed beneath the rubble. We pretend to regain hope as the image recedes, as though we've been cured of that plague. We tell ourselves it was all confined to one country, one point in time. We turn a blind eye to what surrounds us and a deaf ear to the never-ending cries.."

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Filmed just ten years after their closure, this is one of the earliest cinematic glances ever taken at the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, and it pulls no punches. Harrowing stills and snippets of film from the height of the genocide are interspersed with long, lingering shots of the overgrown concrete shells left behind, while a stirring narration pulls the audience into the victims' shoes. It's terribly difficult material, but the sensitive, carefully written voiceover frames things in a way that's honest and factual without feeling aggressive or exploitative. That French vocal track moves quickly, so I had trouble keeping up with the subtitles on a few occasions, but considering the breadth of observations it crams into a very short running time, I think that's forgivable.

Extremely dark, heavy, emotional stuff that shouldn't be forgotten, my only qualm is with the absurdly cheery, generic stock music that fleshes out the background in a few scenes.

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The original title of the film is Nuit et Brouillard.

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The Jews in these concentration camps did not deserve this treatment, and neither do the Palestinians today!

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It feels wrong to rate or "recommend" this film. This must be the most explicit movie about the Holocaust I ever saw. (Because it might be the most explicit existing)

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