Shouts about...

Night Shift 2020

As ridiculous as viewing windows in a toilet stall, the only thing more absurd than Police / Night Shift is its ending.

There are 3 cops, but of course the woman is the worst because she's too emotional, over sensitive, unprofessional, distracted, disorganized and emotionally fragile.

Shame that no one told Virginie Efira (and Omar Sy and Grégory Gadebois) how silly this was because they tried their damnedest in a film that didn't deserve them. Another example of a movie that should've been content staying a book.

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I personally loved it, it's great. Suspension of disbelief is needed. It is of course a fantasy and it never happens in real life. It's about other greater things in life.

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week sauce , very bad very bad I don't recommend loose your time :)

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